Google Customer Match: Documentation example

Company Name— Will’s Widgets

Business Model— My company operates an e-commerce store to sell widgets online. We have several different websites for selling widgets (,,, all of which are owned by my company. We only advertise for websites we own and don’t manage ads for anyone else.

Tool Access/Use— My tool is going to be used by employees and ad managers within my company to view and generate reports on ad performance. We will have both a reporting dashboard and the ability to generate PDF reports for download. We will send PDF reports generated by our tool to our agent, who works at Anne’s Advertising Agency, but they will not be able to access the tool directly.

We will also have a script that will run hourly to sync our ads with our inventory.

Tool Design— For the reporting aspect of our tool, we will pull metrics from the API into our database. The UI of our tool will pull from this database to display reports. Users will have the option to view different levels of ad performance over different time periods.

My internal SQL database will sync with the AdWords API hourly to update ads based on inventory and will pause ads when items go out of stock.

API Services Called

Pause/enable ads at the ad level via AdGroupAd

AccountPerformanceReport to pull account-level reports

Tool Mockups— Here is a mockup of what our company’s API tool will look like: