Email Check list

HTML version

  • All images should be on the server
  • Use inline CSS
  • Add the background color as attribute to the body tag, e.g. <BODY bgcolor=”#666666”> (in the message properties, HTML drop-down) and in a DIV around your entire content: <DIV style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #666666"> ### content ### </DIV>.


  • Add target=“_blank” to each link in your HTML (to force opening a new browser window)
  • Make sure your unsubscribe link is present and clearly visible
  • Test all links

Webversion link

  • Add the web version link text. E.g. “View this email in your browser”
  • Place the text in a section and add the condition SYSTEM.MAIL=1
  • Link the web version sensor to the text(~PROBE(0)~)

Text version

  • Extracted and layout checked
  • Sensors added on new line

Mail properties

  • Subject line filled and also set as <title> tag
  • Brand & from address selected + other fields
  • Language set on message to show translations
  • Constraints on subject line if needed
  • All recipients have a subject line (even if a certain field is empty?)
  • Correct character set selected (ISO 8859-1)
  • List unsubscribe option activated


  • Subject line filled and also set as <title> tag
  • Brand & from address selected + other fields
  • Language set on message to show translations
  • All recipients have a subject line (even if a certain field is empty?)
  • Correct character set selected (ISO 8859-1)
  • List unsubscribe option activated