Email On Acid Email Preview Check

When the journey or email is in 'Test' mode and Email On Acid integration is set up on the environment, the right hand side of the Test window contains a tab 'Email analysis' from where the Email On Acid test can be launched. When the analysis is done the result is displayed on the 'Preview' tab.

Once the process is completed, the tab displays the rendering of the selected email on multiple email clients. Those clients are grouped by the following types: Desktop apps, Web apps and Mobile apps and devices.

In addition, a section 'Subject line' is provided. It shows how the email and the subject line are presented in the email clients that support this feature.


Consulting results

Each layout can be checked in full screen by clicking it:

NOTE: It’s not possible to edit the email code directly in the preview. All updates have to be done in the Editor of Selligent Campaign.

Browsing through the renderings can be achieved by using the previous and next buttons on the top of the frame:

It’s also possible to navigate through results using the dotted toolbar.

NOTE: when placing the mouse pointer on a dot, a thumbnail is displayed with a preview of the rendering

Clicking the red icon closes the full-screen preview.


Exporting results

All the renderings can be exported into a zip file by using the 'Save results' button of the toolbar.


A progress message pops up at the center of the screen.

Then, an invite is displayed to download the zip file containing all previews. Once the transfer is completed, all previews can be check directly from the archive file.



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