BPM Process

The BPM Process component pushes contacts to a BPM journey. It is like the Redirect component but specific for BPM. When a BPM process component pushes contacts to a BPM journey, a series of actions are performed:

When the selected BPM journey is configured with the checkbox‘Unique users’ticked on the BPM In component,  a check is performed verifying if the contact already has a record in the BPM list. If this is the case, the event 'Already exist' on the BPM process component  is triggered. If not, the record is created in the BPM list (and a record is added to the State log).

The'BPM IN' component'sevent 'Entry' is triggered when the contact is successfully transferred to the BPM journey. And the BPM process component's event 'Success' is executed.

NOTE: This component is not used in the BPM journey, but in other journey's pushing the contact to the BPM journey.

For the complete example, see BPM journey


The events for this component are:

  • OnSuccess Data validation and value assignment succeeded
  • OnFailed Required fields are not present or validation failed
  • OnAlreadyExists The record for the contact already exists in the BPM list



  • A name and description to identify the component
  • Process: this is the name of the BPM journey where contacts should be redirected. The list displays only BPM journeys that are linked to the same audience list as the current journey.
  • Schedule Mode: the input of contacts can either be done instantly, for a single contact, usually after a click of the contact. Or in scheduled mode, for an entire selection, the BPM Process components is linked behind the Audience component..


Data validation

The data validation is only defined ininstantmode.  It allows defining constraints that must be checked and the error messages to return in case the constraint is not met. When validation fails, the 'Failed' event is triggered. The error message will be displayed using the DATA_ERROR variable on the page following the 'Failed' trigger. Similar to a Data component's validation tab.



The'Data'tab is used to pass the values to the  BPM journey. The 'Fields' have been defined on the BPM In component and the values will be stored on the new record, created for the contact in the BPM list. Mandatory fields are presented with an asterisk. An error message can be provided if mandatory information is missing when transferring a record. The error message will be displayed using the DATA_ERROR variable on the page following the 'Already exists' trigger.