Site Offer Component

Sometimes you may want your identified contacts to be included in the audience of an offer based on a trigger in a journey.

The Site Offer component allows to do exactly that. You can use a contact interaction, such as a click in an email, or a submitted survey, as a trigger to include the individual contact in a specific active target offer.

This also means that the Offer component cannot be used for sending contacts, in bulk, to the Offer audience.

An example of a Site Offer might be a click in a promotional email on last-minute tickets that results in the display of a specific city-trip offer on the website.

To be able to use the Site Offer component, 'Offer journey' must be enabled in the journey properties and a Universe needs to be selected. Only offers in the selected universe are available for selection in the component.

NOTE: The Offer component can also be used in targeting/retargeting journeys. But if you do not use targeting/retargeting, an Offer journey is sufficient.

A contact can only be added to an Active offer. If the offer is not active when the contact passes through the journey, then the contact will not be added to the journey Audience list.




Two events are generated:

  • onSuccess — The contact has successfully been added to the offer audience
  • onFailed — The contact has not been added to the offer audience


  • Offer — Select an offer from the pick  list. All offers in state Design, Active or Paused defined in the selected universe are listed.

When the journey is saved, a constraint is added automatically to the audience of the selected Offer in Site. This constraint cannot be edited or removed from the audience.

When a Website Offer component is removed from a journey, the user will be prompted to confirm whether to remove previously added contacts from the Offer audience.

  • If the contacts must be removed, previously entered contacts are removed. The offer audience constraint in Site will be removed as well and no new contacts will be added.
  • If the contacts must not be removed, contact data remains in the Offer, but no new contacts are added. The constraint in Site can now be removed by the user.

If the Offer is deleted after the journey was compiled, contacts cannot be added and a message logging the incident is generated.