Action List

An Action list is used to store the 'actions' that must be executed in a journey that sends out 'action mails', sometimes in marketing referred to as "triggered" mails. Each time the contact does something (action), an email needs to be sent. E.g. the contact orders an item, abandons his basket, doesn't pay his invoice on time. A journey will send this email (e.g. the order confirmation email) each time the contact has a new record in the action list. This means that the contact can be targeted multiple times within a single journey. The journey checks for an action code and only processes records with a certain action code. Data from the action list can be used to personalize the email. Although the action list is linked 1-to-many (1:N) to the audience list (1 contact, many order confirmation mails), the action lists acts as if it is an extended profile (1:1).

Technical note:The table name for an action list starts with ACTION_


Each action list contains one or more action codes. Each record in the action list is attributed an action code. This allows filtering the actions in the list. When an action list is used in a journey, the action code that should be used must be selected in the journey, and only action records with that specific action code are handled in the journey.

  • ID: unique key of the record
  • EXEC_DT: date on which the action was executed. Automatically filled in after execution of the journey
  • CAMPAIGNID: ID of the linked journey.Automatically filled in after execution of the journey
  • ACTIONID: ID of the component in the journey.Automatically filled in after execution of the journey
  • LISTID: ID of the linked audience list, to identify the contact. Multiple audience lists can be used with the same action list (although not recommended)
  • USERID: ID of the linked contact, to identify the contact targeted by the journey.
  • STATE: indicates if the action is in process, already processed or not yet processed. The value '30' means successfully processed.
  • ACTIONCODE: used for filtering in the journey. The journey will only process records with a certain value, e.g. "Basket_abandon". Multiple journeys can use the same action list, each processing records with a specific value. For instance, a second "order confirmation" journey could process records with ACTIONCODE value "order_confirm"

The different action codes, used in journeys, must be created on the action list. From the toolbar in an'Action list' tab, select ‘Manage action codes


Press the'Add'button to enter the different action codes and their description.

Note that once an action code has been created, only the description is editable. The action codes might already be used within journeys and are therefore disabled.

A complete example on how to setup an action list and an action journey
