
Tag Engage links with the required parameters

With the Lotame tracker, sensors pointing to the domain specified in the tracker are tagged with a specific parameter that is used by Lotame. This parameter is the combination of List ID and User ID (called TPID) and performs a matching between a Engage contact and the DMP profile.

To create a new tracker, see this dedicated topic.


When selecting Lotame, a button 'Edit tags' is displayed. You can click this option to specify that the Engage ID only be sent to the specific List IDs entered. If no List IDs are entered here, the Engage ID will always be sent.

Note: Upon entering multiple List IDs, separate them using a '|', a ';' or a ','. The same separator must be used for all IDs in the same list.

Tag Engage pages and emails with the required parameter

Besides links, you must also tag pages and emails if you want them tracked by Lotame.

There are two dedicated system settings that, when configured, will automatically add the required information to the Engage pages and emails. For Pages, that is a script that is added to the footer of every Page and Form page. For emails, a pixel is added.

Both settings are configured in Campaign from the Configuration > Platform > System settings > General:

For pages — The tag is PAGE_FOOTER where the value is a DMP script. Engage will then automatically add this script to every Engage page.

Note: For all non-Engage web pages that also require tracking, you need to add this script to these pages also. This script is provided by Lotame.

For Emails — The tag is MAILTEMPLATE_FOOTER where the value for the parameter will be something like this:

<img style="display: none" alt="" width=”1” height=”1” src="http://[PIXELURL]?identifier=~SYSTEM.LISTID~_~SYSTEM.USERID~" >

Engage will then automatically add a pixel to every email sent out allowing Lotame to track this.

Technical note:
When the email/page is viewed, the pixel/script is fired and Lotame receives their own cookie. It can then read our identifier from the request string and identify the contact. Lotame keeps a reference table that holds their cookie and our identifier.

Note: The email pixel only works in web-based email clients, since the cookie matching can only happen in a browser environment. For that reason, it is recommended to add the tracker and the script to all landing pages. This way, you will be more likely to catch more identifications.

Note for Marigold Engage only customers : please contact Marigold for all setup and settings stored or configured in the Campaign environment.