Meta Custom Audience - Tech Provider Access Verification Process



What is Access Verification?

Access verification is a process through which Tech Providers are required to share details about their business and how their app is used by other businesses. The submitted details are then verified with the goal of determining if a business is operating as a Tech Provider and requires access to business data owned by their clients.


What is a Tech Provider?

Tech providers are businesses that have a legitimate need to access business data owned by other businesses in order to provide services or functionality to those businesses.

Apps that have been created or claimed by a business cannot be granted any of the permission below unless the business has been verified as a Tech Provider, or the person using the app has a role on the app itself. This essentially means that any apps claimed by a business cannot be used by other businesses until the business has been verified as a Tech Provider.

Business admins can complete the access verification process to have their business considered as a Tech Provider. If verified, any apps claimed by the business can then be used by other businesses.

Note that access verification is independent of App Review, so each of the permissions below must still be approved for Advanced Access before a non-role user can grant them to an app.


When is a Tech Provider Access Required?

For new and existing applications within the developer section of Meta , a Tech Provider Access Verification is required when using one of the following permissions:

  • ads_management
  • ads_read
  • attribution_read
  • business_management
  • catalog_management
  • email
  • instagram_basic
  • instagram_content_publish
  • instagram_manage_insights
  • leads_retrieval
  • page_events
  • pages_manage_ads
  • pages_manage_cta
  • pages_manage_engagement
  • pages_manage_instant_articles
  • pages_manage_posts
  • pages_read_engagement
  • pages_read_user_content
  • pages_show_list
  • public_profile
  • publish_to_groups
  • publish_video
  • read_insights

When an app claimed by a business calls an endpoint that requires any of the permissions listed above, the endpoint first checks if the person who granted the permission has a role on the app itself. If the person does have a role on the app, the endpoint accepts the call and continues processing the request.

If the person does not have a role on the app, however, the endpoint checks if the app's claimant business has been verified as a Tech Provider. If the business has been verified as a Tech Provider, the endpoint processes the request normally, otherwise, it rejects the call.

Note: Submitting an Access verification can take up to 5 business days.


Existing Business Accounts

Existing businesses with apps that have been granted advanced access to these permissions will need to complete this process within 60 days to maintain their access. (60 Days start after receiving the email to apply for verification)

If these businesses are not able to complete access verification within the 60 day period, API calls will gradually begin to fail. A business admin will still be able to complete access verification at any time.

Navigate to the Meta developer page and select your application. In the left menu below 'Settings', click on 'Basic'. In the verification section, click on the 'Access Verification' button:

You won’t need to fill in any form if it has been verified before.


New Business Accounts

New Business accounts process is the same as for an existing one. However, you'll need to fill in a form as well.

Navigate to the Meta developer page and select your application. In the left menu below 'Settings', click on 'Basic'. In the verification section, click on the 'Access Verification' button:

Linked Business Accounts

The same verification is required when you are accessing another business account from your own business account. This will also be listed within the verification section.


How to Complete Access Verification?

Business admins of an unverified Tech Provider business that claims a new app will receive an email notification about the access verification requirement whenever an app administrator requests Advanced Access for any of the permissions listed above.

The email will include a link to the verification form, but the form can also be accessed from the App Dashboard by navigating to the Basics > Verifications > Access verification panel.

To complete verification, any person with Admin access on the business must categorize and describe how the business uses other businesses' data to provide a service for those businesses.

Once a business admin has completed the process a decision will be made within approximately 5 days.

If the business is verified as a Tech Provider, business admins will receive a confirmation email and app admins will receive a confirmation developer alert. Verified businesses won't have to verify again, however, under certain conditions a business may temporarily lose its verified status.

If the business is denied Tech Provider verification, business admins will receive a rejection email and app admins will receive a rejection developer alert, and all calls to endpoints that require the permissions above will fail if the app user has no role on the calling app.

If the rejected business' use case changes, a business admin may complete the process again to be reconsidered.

(More details here:


More information can be found here: