
The Content section is your entry point to the creation of the different types of message content you can send to a target audience.

From the Content entry in the left navigator, a fly-out menu gives you access to create and search options as well as the folder structure, recent and favorite content.

Following types of content can be created:

  • Email templates are typically predefined email layouts that can be used by local marketers for email blasts. A template's layout and content is created and configured once by the Template Builder. The template creator can decide to lock some elements on the template and not allow changes to these areas when the template is used to create an email message. However, other unlocked elements can still be modified by the user applying the template. For instance, the local marketer can add additional elements to content placeholders, modify the properties, use different mail domains, change images, etc. and then use these templates in Single Batch Journeys.
  • Email messages can be created from scratch or from existing messages (either by copying existing messages, importing an HTML or using a Quick Start message). When an email message or page is created from scratch, the user has full access to all components and content elements and can design the email exactly as needed.
  • Mobile messages
    • Push notifications are unsolicited notifications that are displayed on a mobile device. These notifications can be pushed to the device without the contact being in an app. Contacts can opt in or out for these specific notifications.
    • In-app notifications are notifications displayed on a mobile device. The notifications are only listed when the contact is in the app.
    • Push and in-app notifications are used when you want to target via push and in-app notifications at the same time.
  • SMS Messages are sent to the mobile numbers of the audience contacts and can use basic personalization from the contact's profile. SMS messages can contain personalization fields as well as emoticons.
  • RCS Messages are sent to the mobile numbers of the audience contacts. It uses mobile data or wifi to send these messages and requires the recipient to have RCS activated. However no app needs to be installed, as the default SMS app can be used.
    RCS in Engage allows marketers to send rich content, that is text, images, videos and buttons.
  • MMS or Multimedia Messaging Service allows MMS users to send multimedia content, such as images, audio, phone contacts and video files. MMS messages do not have a standard limit and the maximum size of such a message depends on the provider.
  • Pages are typically used for registration and subscription management. These pages are integrated in the website and contacts are redirected to these pages, such as when a customer clicks a link in an email.  
  • API response pages are pages that are returned as a response to the calling API. Marigold Engage allows to generate any type of page, such as HTML (default value), XML, JSON, CSS and plain text.  

The messages can be personalized with fields from the Audience or linked Lists and with emoticons. They can be created in multiple languages.


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