'X' (formerly Twitter) Audience Match
From a journey, Engage
contacts can now be sent to a Tailored List in 'X' (formerly Twitter) to target them with ads.
These contacts can be added from a standard journey, for instance as the result of a click in an email, or a feedback given. Contacts can also be removed from the audience, such as the result of a purchase or after a waiting period of three days.
Note: The 'X' (formerly Twitter) Audience Match Component can be linked straight after a Recurring Batch Component. This lets you do a mass update of the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored List at regular time intervals.
Technical note:
The use of the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Component is based on the definition of an end point on Organization level. Without this end point the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Component cannot be used. Check out this topic for more details.
- Name — Choose a name
- User list name in 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored Audience * — 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored Audience Name
- Method * — You can choose to Add or Delete the contact from the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored Audience
Add the following field mapping between the Engage Audience List and the 'X' (formerly Twitter) Tailored audience:
- Mail — Trim leading and trailing white space and convert all characters to lowercase.