Email Engagement & Email Interest Profile Extension

Email engagement

Engagement Metrics provide insights on the contact's interaction. When the feature Engagement Metrics is active on an environment, automatically a profile extension is created for every new Audience list, storing the engagement data that is collected for the contacts in the audience.

When Engagement Metrics is activated after the creation of an Audience list, a script will be run to create the profile extension.

The profile extension is created with the name Email Engagement. It stores the interactions tracked for the contacts in the audience, such as views, clicks, delivered, last view date, etc. The data is by default tracked and leveraged over the last 90 days.

Interest tags

Interest Tags provide insights on what a contact is interested in, based on his click behavior on tagged links. When the feature Interest Tags is activated for the environment, you can create a Tag list, link it to an organization and Audience list and set tags on links. Once this is done, a second profile extension provides insight in the contacts' preferences and tags they are most interested in. This profile extension is called Email Interests.


The data in these lists can be accessed via the Data tab of the Audience list. (The lists are not available from the Relations tab.)

1. Select a record in the Data tab of an Audience list and click the pencil icon to edit it.

2. In the right sliding panel select the 'Email engagement' or 'Email Interest' list from the Relations drop-down.

3. All fields in the selected profile extension are listed.


Important note: You will only see the fields in these lists when a journey has been executed and data has been processed.