Option List

Option lists are used to store the possible field values that the user can select from when filling out a form field. An Option List must be linked to a specific field in a list to be able to select a value from the list of options. Fields with a linked Option List will display the possible values in the language of the message. For more information on how to link an Option List to a field, check out this topic.

Option List values are available among others at the following locations:

  • When adding records to a list
  • In forms using personalization fields with Option List
  • In the constraint editor when creating a filter on fields with Option Lists
  • When adding items to a message repeater
  • And so on

Note: An Option List can be linked to more than one field and in more than one list. When the Option List is used and you want to delete it, an alert is displayed listing all lists and fields to which it is linked.

An Option List stores a code and one value for each language detected. For example, an Option List can be created for the Country where the Code is M and F and a translated value is defined for French and English.

Code Value in French Value in English
UK Royaume Uni United Kingdom
FR France France
BE Belgique Belgium

Definition of option lists :
The languages available in an Option List are based on all languages defined over all organizations.
It's not mandatory to define values for each language.

Usage of option list values (in segmentation) :
When the user language is not available, the first available language of the organization is used.
When that language is missing a value, the label 'non-translated value' (together with the language code) is shown.


Create Option List

Option Lists are created using the following methods:

  • from the Lists fly-out menu, through the Create New button
  • from the Lists Start page, through the Create button in the toolbar

A properties panel is displayed:

Basic fields tab:


  • Name — Provide a clear name for the Option List.
  • Folder Path — This is the folder in which the Option List is created. By default it takes the folder that is currently selected on the Start page at asset creation. You can change the path if required by clicking the folder field to select a different folder.

Option List code Type

  • Option List code type — Select how the code of the list option value is stored, as a text value or numeric value.
  • Max code length — The maximum length allowed for the code. This can range from 5 to 36 characters. The default is set to 10.

Advanced Fields tab:


  • API Name — The name of the list is shown as it will be used by the API methods. (Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed).
  • Description — Provide a clear description of the list.
  • Label — The label(s) assigned to this asset. Select one or more labels from the drop-down. (These labels are configured in the Admin configuration.) Users with the proper Access permissions can also create new labels here by typing the new label value in the field.

When done, click Create. An overview of all the fields in the option list is presented. Besides the Code and ID field, there is one field for each language detected over all the organizations.

Note: The list of fields in the Option List cannot be modified.


On the Data tab define the values for this Option list. Each value has a code and a possible translation in the different languages.

To add a new record to the Option List, click the New Record button. A panel is displayed on the right where you can enter the following data:

  • Code — The code of the value stored in the database. This is the primary key in the list and must be unique.
  • Languages — There is one field for each detected language. Enter the translated value for each language.

When done, save the data. A new record is added to the Option List.


List usage

Once the Option List is created, an additional 'Usage' tab is available under the Properties tab providing an overview of all the fields Channels where this Option List is used:

This Usage can be accessed from the List setup step.

Note: Option Lists in use cannot be deleted.

Example : Setup and use option list values in audience fields


Test your knowledge about option lists

When do you use option lists ?

A: For setting up a short list of options to present on web forms
B: For setting up a huge list of 2 million options to make selections from
C: For setting up a short list of options to present in UIs such as the one from the Constraint Builder or Visibility Constraint editor
D: All of the above