Reports - FAQ

Why do Reports and Dashboards show different values (for sent, delivered, opened, clicked, ...)?

While comparing the data in Marigold Engage's Journey Reports with the Dashboards, I notice that filtering by month results in numbers that don't match and appear significantly off. Why does this happen?

Journey report :

Dashboard :

Answer :

This is because of the way the check is performed on the date filter for the Reports chapter versus the Dashboards :

  • In the Reports chapter, the underlying query is done on the DT column in the INTERACTION table (date of the interaction).

  • In the Dashboards chapter, the underlying query is done on the SENT_DATE column in the AGG_DAY_REP table. This date is the date of the communication (corresponds to the SENT_DT in the DELIVERIES table).

So, for example let's say an email was sent to contact X on October 30th, but contact X doesn't open or click on any of the links in the mail until November 3rd.
This will cause the email actions to be recorded as part of October's reporting in the Dashboard, but part of November's reporting in the Reporting tab.

If you want the numbers of the Dashboard and Reporting tab to be more in line, keep this in mind :
For the Dashboard, in the AGG_DAY_REP table, there are columns (eg. FIRST_CLICK_DT, LAST_CLICK_DT, FIRST_VIEW_DT, LAST_VIEW_DT) that have a better match with the DT of the INTERACTIONS table used for the Reporting tab.