Offers - Exercises

Offers with conversion and follow-up journeys

Goal - Displaying a Loyalty Program banner to CRM identified visitors (visitors that have a contact record in Engage) and who do not yet have a Loyalty card. Clicking the banner is considered a conversion and creates a loyalty card in Engage + sends a 'Thank You' message and pop-in to the visitor.

Assets used :

  • Contacts are stored in the Audience List : SITE_CONTACTS.
  • Loyalty cards are stored in the 1:1 List : HASLOYALTYCARD.
  • A follow-up journey in Engage creates a record in the HASLOYALTYCARD table.
  • 2 offers


Offer 1 - Display banner and measure conversion

Let's get started with the first offer, displaying the banner and measuring the conversion.

Enter a name, public name, description and set the offer status to active.

In the Who? section, create a constraint to filter the audience for CRM identified visitors without loyalty card. In this exercise, Engage contacts without a card have 0 in the loyalty card number field. Contacts who do have a loyalty card will have their customer ID stored in the loyalty card number field. This is reflected as following in the constraint:

Next, in the Why? section, define what is considered as a conversion. The visitor is converted when clicking the banner. To measure this click, we will append the redirect URL with a parameter '&INTERESTED=YES' (see next section 'What?'). When this parameter is detected in the URL of the page, the visitor is considered converted. Here, we call the conversion activity 'INTERESTED'. We will need this information when creating the follow-up offer.

In the What? section, we will define what exactly happens when this offer is triggered. First, the banner is displayed and when clicked, a follow-up journey is triggered.

Let's have a closer look at the banner action:

The LoyaltyBanner image is displayed in the Top-Banner placement. An image is selected and a redirect URL is given that includes the '&INTERESTED=YES' parameter (remember we are using this to measure conversion). So, when the visitor clicks this banner, the URL will get this parameter. In this example, the visitor is simply redirected to the same website.

The Follow-up journey looks as follows. A Retargeting Component is linked to a Data Component, followed by Email Components.

When the journey is triggered, the Data Component updates the list 'HasLoyaltyCard' and fills out the Card number field with the Customer_ID. The points are updated to 50. The visitor receives a confirmation email as a result.


Offer 2 - Display 'Thank You' pop-in

The second offer will display a pop-in to the converted visitor.

In the Who? section of this offer, only select the visitors who have performed the conversion activity defined in the first offer.

To create this constraint, first select the offer OFFERBANNERLOYALTYPROGRAM, and next the INTERESTED activity for that offer.
On the right, choose 'has done activity INTERESTED on offer OFFERBANNERLOYALTYPROGRAM'. This ensures that this 'Thank you' offer will only be displayed to visitors that have converted.

No performance is measured for this offer, we simply want to display a pop-in. In the Why? section, tick the box `Don't measure performance´.

Next, define the pop-in in the What? section.

A green HTML message is displayed in the center of the page:


Testing the Offers

If you want to test these offers, you need to make sure you arrive on the website as a CRM identified visitor and that no loyalty card exists for this visitor (set LoyaltyCardNumber to 0).

There are 2 ways to identify yourself:

1. Make sure you exist as a record in the Audience List with an email address you can access. Next, you can send an email from Engage to this record with a tracked link to the website. When you then click the link you will land on the website as an identified visitor, and the m_bt parameter is added to the URL. (The Site Tracking script must of course be installed on the website)

2. You can also force identification by using the following command in the console of the browser developer tools while being on the website.

wa.bt_queue.push({"customIdentifier": "1000"});

This command pushes your unique CRM ID (ex.1000) to the Website.
The value for this customIdentifier field is retrieved from the Audience List. What field in the Audience is used to store this identifier is indicated in the Universe configuration setting.