Introduction to Tags

Tags are used to identify the pages that are visited by assigning these pages a specific tag and a value. The value can either be a string (example: Phones, Video, Computer) or numeric (the price, a bonus point, etc). Textual tags can have a hierarchy.

Site provides already a series of system tags. These tags can be completed with custom tags.

A maximum of 25 tags is allowed with a limit of 65000 tag values per tag. If more tags are required, please contact Marigold.


When custom tags are required, think hard about what information is needed to build the visitor's profile and create segments.

Values for these tags are collected in different ways: a meta-tag, an element in the html (e.g. the page header (h1)) or with JavaScript.

  • Think about if you are interested in a long-term behavior (overall) or intent (session). For instance you want to know who has a long-term interest in a product and has now shown the intent to buy one because he visited multiple product detail pages within his session.
  • Think about taglevels. One level may not collect all the data you need if you want to track categories and subcategories. For instance, Electro -> Smartphones. Adding more levels results in more different tag values. You can setup 5 levels per tag.
  • Make sure your tagvalues offer the right amount of detail. Too little values don’t allow you to do very specific audience segmenting. Too much values don’t bring any value, because the results are too fragmented. E.g. if you have a product catalog of > 10.000 products, you will not tag every individual product. That data will be too fragmented to build a Campaign audience.
  • When creating tags, think about how long you want a click to be remembered(decrease value).  For instance, the number of purchase will not decrease in time. Your first purchase will always be your first purchase. While others, like a visit to the Electro products overview page, most likely isn't valid forever. Perhaps even only for 1 day.

Related topics:

System tags

Create tags