Roles and Permissions – What’s New

The new Roles, User, and Team Management pages will be released on a rolling schedule throughout June 2021. This release gives you more granular control over what your account users can see and touch within the Engage by Sailthru platform.

Roles and Permissions

You used to have only four permission levels. Those four levels are now called Roles. Conceptually, roles and permissions have been split in the Engage by Sailthru platform: 
  • Permissions - these are the granular controls over the Engage by Sailthru platform.
  • Roles - these are groupings of permissions. A user can be assigned one or more roles. There are four default roles that map to the old permissions levels. You can also create your own Custom Roles for your account.   
The following table shows how the old permissions map to the new default roles. 
Permission New Role Description
Reports Only Reports Only Only has access to pages in the Analytics tab. The other My Sailthru navigation menus are not displayed. 
Limited Marketer Limited Can only view and use lists that belong to at least one of their teams. Depending on your account settings this role can also be restricted from templates based on their associated team(s). 
Admin Marketer Admin Identical to Admin except cannot delete lists, change a lists' type from Primary to Secondary, or add/remove/modify other Engage by Sailthru users.
Super Admin Account Admin Access to and able to modify all lists, add/remove users from the account, and modify users' permission levels.


Other than the change from Permissions to Roles, the general User Management workflow remains the same. 


The general Team Management workflow will remain the same.