Transition Plans

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that we would be removing Campaign Summary from the application on September 1, 2022. Since the posting of that announcement, we’ve gotten a ton of great feedback from you, our customers, about the new Email Summary page and what you’d like to see there to ensure a great experience on the new page.  In light of that feedback, we’ve decided to hold off on removing the Campaign Summary page until all of that great feedback can be addressed. So, to repeat: Campaign Summary will NOT be removed on September 1, 2022. We do still plan to remove it eventually, but not until we’ve ensured that Email Summary is a great experience.  Below, you’ll find a list of items we plan to implement on the Email Summary page before we sunset Campaign Summary. We’ll keep this list updated to let you know when items are released, so feel free to check back often. Once we’ve cleared all of the items below, we’ll set a date for Campaign Summary’s removal.  If you have additional feedback in the meantime, please let us know via our feature request portal, or reach out to your CSM. 

Remaining items for Email Summary page

This would be in addition to the option to export all fields.
This may result in the renaming of some of our statistics to provide clarity and better conform with industry standards.
This will allow customers to define the columns on the Campaign Detail page. Currently this can only be done on Campaign Summary.