SMS Summary

Visualize the engagement of your campaigns and triggered sends over time with SMS Summary. 

Watch the video below to learn how to measure the success of your SMS campaigns.

Navigate to the SMS Summary report from the Analytics menu (Analytics > Summary > SMS Summary). The report includes three main areas:

  • Configurable headline metrics
  • Filtering by date and message type 
  • Charts or tables showing your report data

Available Data

By default, the SMS Summary report shows sends. The Summary view, which organizes data in line charts, reflects the metrics selected for the headline metrics row. The Table view, available for Campaign, Triggered, and Lifecycle Optimizer sends, shows all available data.

Name Description
Sent (Subscribers) The number of subscribers to whom the message was sent. 
Clicks The total number of clicks on the message link. This data is available if link shortening and tracking is used.  
Purchases The number of users who performed a purchase action on your properties, attributed to a Campaign or Triggered send. The Purchase API must be implemented for this metric to render a non-zero value.
Pageviews The number of pageviews generated by clicks from a  Campaign or Triggered send. The Javascript library generally needs to be implemented for this metric to show a non-zero value.
SMS Revenue The total price of item(s) purchased by a user, where attributed to a send. The Purchase API must be implemented for this metric to show a non-zero value.
PV/M(pageviews per thousand) The number of pageviews generated by clicks from a Campaign or Triggered send, per thousand. The Javascript library generally needs to be implemented for this metric to show a non-zero value.
Rev/M(revenue per thousand users) The sum of purchase revenue generated by purchases from a Campaign or Triggered delivered count, per thousand users messaged. The Purchase API must be implemented for this metric to show a non-zero value.
Conversion Rate The number of purchases divided by the number of clicks.
Template Name The name of the template used in the flow. Available for Triggered message data and Lifecycle Optimizer flow data. 
Flow Name The name of the Lifecycle Optimizer flow.
Campaign Name The name of the Campaign. 
Send Date The Campaign send date. Only available for Campaign data. 
List Name The name of the list used in the Campaign. Only available for Campaign data. 

Add Metrics

To add metrics to the report:
  1. Select the blue plus icon at the end of the headline metrics row.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select what you wish to see in the headline row.
  3. Repeat the first two steps to add more data. If you add all available metrics, the plus icon at the end of the headline row turns gray. 

Remove Metrics

To remove any metric from the headline row, hover over the top right corner of the box. Select the x in the corner of the box.


Filter messages by type and date.

Filter by Message Type

Select the filter icon at the left of the chart to open the filter panel. To filter data, select from the available data sets. Depending on the data set, you can group message metrics by template and switch between a line chart view and a table view. All data sets have a summary chart view. 

Data SetDefinitionGroup by TemplateTable View
All MessagesShows the selected metrics for all SMS messages. NoNo
CampaignsShows the selected metrics for all Campaign SMS messages. NoYes
TriggeredShows the selected metrics for all Triggered SMS messages.YesYes
LifecyclesShows the selected metrics for all SMS messages in Lifecycle Optimizer flows. YesYes

Filter by Date

Use the calendar dropdown to select a custom date range or use one of the preset ranges.

Export Reports

Data is available for export from the Table view for Campaigns, Triggered messages, and Lifecycle Optimizer flows. Select the download icon to the left of the calendar picker. A CSV file will download.