Weekly Performance Report

The Weekly Performance Report is a legacy report. It is no longer sent to new customers.

Sailthru’s Weekly Performance Report is a weekly email containing key stats about your email campaign performance over the last week. All users on your Sailthru account are opted-in by default and can choose to opt out. If you are not receiving report emails and wish to receive them, contact your Customer Success Manager.

Metric Definitions

Metric NameDefinitionE-com, Media, or Both
RevenueRevenue attributed to email. The value of all purchases made by a profile within 48 hours of engaging with an email (open and/or click).E-com
Rev/MRevenue per thousand emails attributed to email. The value of all purchases made by a profile within 48 hours of engaging with an email (open and/or click).E-com
SendsTotal number of campaign and triggered emails sent for the given time window.Both
Sends WoW ChangePercentage change in the number of email sends, compared to the previous weekBoth
Open RatePercentage of emails opened (number of opened emails divided by number of sends)Both
Open CountTotal number of opened emailsBoth
Open Rate WoW ChangePercentage change in the open rate, compared to the previous weekBoth
Click RatePercentage of emails opened (number of clicked emails divided by number of sends)Both
Click CountTotal number of clicked emailsBoth
Click Rate WoW ChangePercentage change in the click rate, compared to the previous weekBoth
Conversion RatePercentage of conversions – number of purchases (number of conversions attributed to email divided by number of clicks)E-com
Conversion CountTotal number of purchases attributed to emailE-com
Conversion Rate WoW ChangePercentage change in the conversion rate, compared to the previous weekE-com
Click To Open Rate (CTOR)Percentage of clicked emails against opened emails.Media
CTOR WoW ChangePercentage change in CTOR, compared to the previous weekMedia
PageviewsPageview attributed to email. The value of all pageviews made by a profile within 24 hours of engaging with an email (open and/or click).Media
PVPMPageview per thousand emailsMedia
Pageview WoW ChangePercentage change in the number of pageviews, compared to the previous weekMedia
Daily Active UsersAverage number of daily users engaged with an emailMedia
Monthly Active UsersRolling number of monthly (28-day) users engaged with an emailMedia
Personalization AmplifierGains from sending personalized emails, compared to non-personalized emails (personalized Rev/M or PV/M divided by non-personalized Rev/M or PV/M)Both