The Predictions Interface

Access the Predictions interface within the Sailthru by MarigoldUI.

Graph View

  • Predictons Drop-Down (top-left). When you select a prediction, its description is displayed to the right of the drop-down, and the chart updates to display this data for your entire userbase.
  • Graph – The prediction selected in the drop-down is graphed across your userbase. The color coding indicates the ranges for which we have automatically identified a distinct segment for this prediction, though you can also create your own custom segments, using the data on the graph as a reference. The details of each segment are shown in the table below.
    • Hover your mouse over the graph to view the associated k-tile number and average value for that k-tile.
    • Zoom in on any segment of the X-axis by using the scrubber handles above the graph  to narrow the displayed data range. This is especially useful for viewing the nuance of areas on the graph that rise sharply.
    • To zoom in on the Y-axis, hover your mouse over the graph and scroll. This is useful to attain a better view of the parts of the graph with smaller values.

Segments Data Table

Like the chart, the corresponding data table updates as you switch the Prediction drop-down to display each prediction.

By default, for the current prediction, the table displays a row for each of the four generated user segments, which correlate to the color-coded segments of the chart. Additional rows display your custom segments, if any exist for the prediction.

For each segment, the table also displays:

  • The k-tile range
  • The total number of users that fall within the segment
  • The mean value of the prediction for users in the segment
  • The total sum/aggregate value of the prediction for the users in the segment Note: You may often find that your highest-performing segment contains the fewest (yet most highly engaged) segment, and vice versa.

To add a custom segment

  1. Use the chart to identify the starting and ending k-tile range you will want to include in the custom segment.
  2. Click Add Segment.
  3. Enter a name, the starting k-tile, and the ending k-tile.
  4. Click Save Segment.

To act on a segment

  1. Click the number at the left end of the segment’s row.
  2. To send the segment’s data to Audience Builder as criteria for a new Snapshot, Smart List, or Natural List, click  and make a selection from the drop-down.
  3. Click Export.

To edit a segment

  • Click the number at the left end of the segment’s row, and select the edit button .