List Export Variable Glossary

For any list, you can export any or all user variable data into a downloadable CSV file by clicking the spreadsheet icon on its row within the Lists page and selecting from the available options. For more information and instructions, see Export Lists and User Profile Data. Below is a glossary of all the default field names you’ll find in the CSV; the header names for each column correspond to the internal variables stored on every user’s “profile” object. These field names (below) are the default tracked variables. All other column headers that follow are external, custom variables that you have set on the user.

Clicks – The total number of clicks

Domain – The domain for user

Email Hash – The hashed email of the user; this only appears if you don’t have PII enabled

Email Message – If there was a failure in delivery (soft or hard-bounce), this was the response returned to the system

Email Status – The email’s status (e.g. delivered, hard-bounced, soft-bounced)

Email Status Time – If there was a failure in delivery (soft or hard-bounce), this was the time the system received the delivery response

Engagement  – The user’s current engagement level

First Purchase Time – The date and time that the user first made a purchase

Geolocation City – The geolocated city of the user

Geolocation Country – The geolocated country of the user

Geolocation State – The geolocated state of the user

Geolocation Zip – The geolocated zip code (if applicable)

Largest Purchase Item Price – The largest purchase item price

Last Click – Date and time that the user last clicked a message

Last Open – Date and time that the user last opened a message

Last Pageview – Date and time that the user last viewed a page

Last Purchase Time – The date and time of the latest purchase

Lifetime Message – Total count of messages sent to this user of their lifetime

List Signup – The date and time that the user signed up to the specific list that was exported

Lists  – All the lists that the user is currently signed up to

Opens – The total number of opens

Optout Time – The date and time that the user opted out

Pageviews – The total number of pageviews

Profile Created  – The date and time the user’s profile was created in the system

Profile Id – The internal ID for the user

Purchase Count – The number of purchases made by the user

Purchase Incomplete – The number of current incomplete purchases

Purchase Price – The user’s total revenue to date. Note that the figure uses 4 decimal point notation, as does the Purchase API (i.e. $99 would be 9900)

Signup – The date and time the user was signed up to their first list

Top Device – The user’s most often used device