
Includes are reusable pieces of content (e.g. header or footer) that you can use throughout your templates and email campaigns.

The most common use of an include is to create a standard header or footer. The include API allows you to get, create/update, or delete an include. You can store content by any custom include name, and each include can contain html and/or plain text versions of content. 

Endpoint URL:

GET Mode


Get Include by Name

Example Call

{"include" : "global_footer"}

Example Response

    "name" : "global_footer",
    "content_html" : "<img src=""><p>We thank you for your business.</p>",
    "content_text" : "VARICK & VANDAM | We thank you for your business."

Get All Include Names

Example Call


Example Response

    "includes" : [
            "name" : "global_header"        },
            "name" : "global_footer"        }
            "name" : "company_address"        }

Type Parameter Description
Optional Blank If your provide no parameters, all names return
Optional include If a name is provided, only returns that users with that unique indentifier
Return Blank If your provide no parameters, all names return
Return name An include's unique identifier/name
Return content_html The HTML within an include
Return content_text The rendered text within an include



Create Include with html and text versions of content

Example Call

    "include" : "global_footer",
    "content_html" : "<img src=""><p>We thank you for your business.</p>",
    "content_text" : "VARICK & VANDAM | We thank you for your business."

Type Parameter Description
Required include Becomes the name of the include and is used for additional updates to the include.
Optional content_html The HTML within an include
Optional content_text The rendered text within an include