

Pushes a new item to the end of an existing array.

push ( "array_name", "additional item" )


{list_of_numbers = [1,2,3,4]}
{push("list_of_numbers", 5)}  ...... makes list_of_numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]

This can also be accomplished in the following way:

{a = ['hey','hi']}
{a = a + ['hello']} ........ pushes 'hello' into a

Within a foreach loop or a map‘s lambda function, you cannot use push on the loop’s iterated array or map’s array parameter.
For example, the following code would result in an error:

{numbers = [1,2,3]}
{map(numbers, lambda n: push('numbers', n))}

Deduplicate Merged Feed Based on Title

Use Case: You have two separate data feeds that are in one merged feed. As the dedupe() function doesn’t work between two feeds, you need to dedupe using the filter_content() and contains() functions.

{ “media”: { “feed”: { “name”: “Media Feed”, “url”: “http://feed.sailthru.com/ws/feed?id=media” }, “content”: [ { “title”: “Stephen King’s New Book is a Real Scream!”, “description”:”Staff reviewer William Pratt gives his review of the thrilling new Stephen King novel and tells you whether it’s a buy or a miss.”, “date”: 1489437759, “expire_date”: 1520973759, “image”: “https://example.com/media/stephen-king-new-book-full.jpg”, “weight”:10, “tags”: [ “site-blog”, “vertical-media”, “type-books”, “author-william-pratt”, “format-article”, “stephen-king”, “horror-fiction” ], “author”: “William Pratt”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “media”, “sailthru_storyid”: 12345 }, “url”: “http://example.com/media/stephen-king-new-book/?utm_source=web”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “https://example.com/media/stephen-king-new-book-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “https://example.com/media/stephen-king-new-book-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Get Your First Look at the New iPhone at the Times Square Apple Store”, “description”:”Find out how you can get a sneak peak of Apple’s newest tech…”, “date”: 1489351359, “expire_date”: 1520887359, “image”: “https://example.com/tech/new-iphone-times-square-full.jpg”, “weight”:5, “tags”: [ “site-blog”, “vertical-tech”, “type-smartphones”, “author-willow-rosenberg”, “format-video”, “apple”, “iphone”, “region-new-york-city” ], “author”: “Willow Rosenberg”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “tech”, “sailthru_storyid”: 78945 }, “url”: “http://example.com/tech/new-iphone-times-square/”, “location”: [ 40.7589, -73.9851 ], “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “https://example.com/tech/new-iphone-times-square-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “https://example.com/tech/new-iphone-times-square-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Alexander Harris elected to Los Angeles House of Representatives”, “description”:”Read more to find out his five-point plan for his county and more”, “date”: 1489264959, “expire_date”: 1520800959, “image”: “https://example.com/tech/new-iphone-times-square-full.jpg”, “weight”:3, “tags”: [ “site-blog”, “vertical-news”, “type-usa”, “author-willow-rosenberg”, “region-los-angeles”, “house-of-representatives”, “alexander-harris” ], “author”: “Willow Rosenberg”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “news”, “sailthru_storyid”: 41612 }, “url”: “http://example.com/news/alexander-harris-elected/”, “location”: [ 34.0522, -118.2437 ], “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/news/alexander-harris-elected-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/news/alexander-harris-elected-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?”, “description”:”Who is this masked man, and what does he really want?”, “date”: 1489178559, “expire_date”: 1520714559, “image”: “”, “weight”: 40, “tags”: [ “site-blog”, “vertical-news”, “author-j-jonah-jameson”, “spider-man”, “vigilantism”, ], “author”: “J. Jonah Jameson”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “news”, “sailthru_storyid”: 81263 }, “url”: “http://example.com/news/spider-man-threat-or-menance/”, “location”: [ 40.7589, -73.9851 ], “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “” } } }, { “title”: “From the Fashion Blog: The Most Comfortable Socks You’ll Ever Own”, “description”:”They’ll literally change your life. Find out where and how to get them!”, “date”: 1489092159, “expire_date”: 1520628159, “image”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-full.jpg”, “weight”: 25, “tags”: [ “site-blog”, “vertical-fashion”, “type-footwear”, “author-willow-rosenberg-wilkins”, “socks”, “unisex-clothing” ], “author”: “Willow Rosenberg”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “fashion”, “sailthru_storyid”: 87422 }, “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-thumb.jpg” } } } ] }, “ecomm”: { “feed”: { “name”: “Ecommerce Feed”, “url”: “http://feed.sailthru.com/ws/feed?id=ecomm” }, “content”: [ { “title”: “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “description”:”The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it.”, “date”: 1489437759, “image”: “http://example.com/fiction/tokillamockingbird-full.jpg”, “weight”: 75, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “genre-mystery-thriller”, “author-harper-lee”, “classics”, “fiction”, “price-11-20” ], “author”: “Harper Lee”, “price”: 1500, “inventory”: 200, “vars”: { “sailthru_genre”:”mysteries-and-thrillers”, “sailthru_category”:”books”, “membership_price”:”12.99″ }, “url”: “http://example.com/fiction/tokillamockingbird/?utm_medium=site”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fiction/tokillamockingbird-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fiction/tokillamockingbird-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Salem’s Lot”, “description”:”Ben Mears has returned to Jerusalem’s Lot — but things are more sinister than he remembers.”, “date”: 1474547794, “image”: “http://example.com/books/fiction/salemslot-full.jpg”, “weight”: 30, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “genre-horror”, “author-stephen-king”, “vampires”, “fiction”, “price-5-10” ], “author”: “Stephen King”, “price”: 999, “inventory”: 1567, “vars”: { “sailthru_genre”:”horror-and-suspense”, “sailthru_category”:”books”, “membership_price”:”8.15″ }, “url”: “http://example.com/fiction/salemslot/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/books/fiction/salemslot-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/books//fiction/salemslot-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Women’s Leather Jacket”, “description”:”A classic look that never goes out of style with an exposed metal closure that zips at the cuff.”, “date”: 1474547794, “image”: “http://example.com/fashion/womens/outerwear/leatherjacket-full.jpg”, “weight”: 55, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “womens-clothing”, “outerwear”, “material-leather”, “color-brown”, “price-201-300” ], “price”: 45000, “inventory”: 1720, “vars”: { “sailthru_color”: “brown”, “sailthru_material”:”leather”, “membership_price”:”325.75″ }, “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/womens/outerwear/leatherjacket/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/womens/outerwear/leatherjacket-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/womens/outerwear/leatherjacket-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Invisible Monsters: A Novel”, “description”:”Love, betrayal, petty larceny, and high fashion fuel this deliciously comic novel from the author of Fight Club.”, “date”: 1474547794, “image”: “http://example.com/books/fiction/invisiblemonsters-full.jpg”, “weight”: 30, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “genre-mystery-thriller”, “author-chuck-palahniuk”, “post-modern”, “fiction”, “price-5-10” ], “author”: “Chuck Palahniuk”, “price”: 899, “inventory”: 678, “vars”: { “sailthru_genre”:”mysteries-and-thrillers”, “sailthru_category”:”books” }, “url”: “http://example.com/fiction/invisiblemonsters/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/books/fiction/invisiblemonsters-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/books//fiction/invisiblemonsters-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “Men’s Chelsea Boots”, “description”: “Look great with jeans or a suit with these slick, black boots.”, “date”: 1474547794, “image”: “http://example.com/fashion/mens/shoes/chelsea-boots-full.jpg”, “weight”: 40, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “mens-clothing”, “shoes”, “material-suede”, “color-black”, “price-101-150” ], “price”: 14000, “inventory”: 15, “vars”: { “sailthru_color”: “suede”, “sailthru_material”:”leather”, “membership_price”:”115.50″ }, “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/mens/shoes/chelsea-boots/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/mens/shoes/chelsea-boots-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/mens/shoes/chelsea-boots-thumb.jpg” } } }, { “title”: “From the Fashion Blog: The Most Comfortable Socks You’ll Ever Own”, “description”:”They’ll literally change your life. Find out where and how to get them!”, “date”: 1489092159, “expire_date”: 1520628159, “image”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-full.jpg”, “weight”: 25, “tags”: [ “site-store”, “vertical-fashion”, “type-footwear”, “author-richard-wilkins”, “socks”, “unisex-clothing” ], “author”: “Richard Wilkins”, “vars”: { “sailthru_category”: “fashion”, “sailthru_storyid”: 87422 }, “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks/”, “images”: { “full”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-full.jpg” }, “thumb”: { “url”: “http://example.com/fashion/most-comfortable-socks-thumb.jpg” } } } ] } }


{usedtitle = []}
{mediaContent = filter_content(media.content, lambda c: (contains(usedtitle, c.title) ? false : push("usedtitle", c.title) || true))}
{ecomContent = filter_content(ecomm.content, lambda c: (contains(usedtitle, c.title) ? false : push("usedtitle", c.title) || true))}
<p>From the Blog:</p>
{foreach mediaContent as c}
<a href={c.url}>{c.title}</a>
<p>From the Store:</p>
{foreach ecomContent as c}
<a href={c.url}>{c.title}</a>

Output: From the Blog: From the Fashion Blog: The Most Comfortable Boots You’ll Ever Own Spider-Man: Threat or Menace? Alexander Harris elected to Los Angeles House of Representatives Get Your First Look at the New iPhone at the Times Square Apple Store Stephen King’s New Book is a Real Scream! From the Store: Women’s Leather Jacket Men’s Chelsea Boots To Kill a Mockingbird Salem’s Lot Invisible Monsters: A Novel Based on the merged feed example, the “From the Fashion Blog: The Most Comfortable Socks You’ll Ever Own” item, which exists in both feeds, will be excluded from the “ecomContent” object.

Explanation: This script users the contains() function to check the title of every item in a data feed against an array called “usedtitle.” If the title of the item exists in the array, the filter_content() function removes it from the feed (this means that the title already occurred once, and it is a duplicated item). In this example, the filter is performed twice: Once on an external RSS feed, and once on a Sailthru Content Feed.

Prompt Signup to Non-Subscribed Lists

Use Case: You manage your lists based on user variables and a Smart List (ex. Your  Technology List criteria is: Member of Main List, tech = 1). You’d like a one-click signup in each email for your users to add themselves to other lists based on user interest. You can do this by maintaining an array of your lists. Zephyr: In the Setup:
{yourLists = []}

{foreach allLists as c}
{if profile.vars[c.var] == 1 || profile.vars[c.var] == "1"}
{push("yourLists", c.list)}

{listDelta = filter(allLists, lambda c: !contains(yourLists, c.list))}
In the Code:
<!--Showing only lists users are interested in-->
 {foreach listDelta as c}
 {if horizon_interest(c.tags) >= 2}
 Click here to sign up to <a href="http://example.com?sailthru_vars[{c.var}]=1">{c.list}</a>!<br/>
Output: Click here to sign up to Books! Click here to sign up to Tech! Click here to sign up to Politics! Click here to sign up to Science! Explanation: This script uses an array called “allLists”, which each item is an object with applicable interest tags (optional), the list name, and corresponding variable. An empty array called “yourLists” is then created, a foreach loop then iterates through the allLists array and checks the “profile” object. If the user has that corresponding custom field on their profile and it equals “1” in either the string or numerical data type, the list name gets pushed into the yourLists array, using the push() function. For instance, if a user has the “books” custom field equaling “1” on their profile, the “Books” list is added to their array. Next, a local variable called “listDelta” is created, which users the filter() function to filter through the allLists array, keeping anything that’s not contained in the yourLists array, by using a bang (“!”), which acts as a “not statement,” in conjunction with the contains() function. The listDelta array is then looped through in the Code. Using the horizon_interest function, the value of each tag is evaluated on a user-by-user basis. lf their interest score in that tag is greater than “2”, they will be prompted to sign up for that particular list, with the variable name automatically populating as the value of the “sailthru_vars” query parameter, which sets a custom field on a user upon click. When the user clicks, the variable us placed on their profile with the value of “1”, i.e. “science = 1”.