Zephyr Expressions And Operators
Anything inside
{curly braces}
is evaluated as an expression. Expressions are constructed using a Javascript-like format. Be sure not to include a space immediately following your opening bracket. If you do, your code won't be recognized as Zephyr.
Use either single quotes or double quotes to denote strings, as you prefer. The backslash is used to escape quotes.
{"apples"} is the same as {'apples'} {'What\'s up?'}
Note: Double quotes are not supported in Email Composer. Use single quotes in Email Composer so your Zephyr renders properly.
Integers and floating-point values are both supported.
{3 + 3.0} = 6
are reserved words used for boolean math.
You can define arrays inline, or pass them in as variables. They are defined using JSON syntax and indexed starting at 0.
{set('myvar', [1,2,"three"])} {myvar[2]} equals three
Objects are also defined using JSON syntax. You can access objects using dot notation or array index notation.
{set('myvar',{"attrib1":"value1","attrib2":"value2"})} {myvar.attrib2} equals value2 {myvar['attrib2']} equals value2
Standard comparison operators are supported:
{if 2 == 2.0}this will display{/if} {if 2 <= 2}so will this{/if} {if 2 < 2}but this won't{/if}
And / Or
functions as a boolean
, while
functions as a boolean
{if true && false} this will not display {/if} {if true || false} but this will {/if}
You can use the ! as a not-operator. This is especially handy when checking whether a variable has been set.
{if !true}This won't display{/if} {if !source} Hey {name}, we don't know where you came from! {/if}
Basic math is supported:
Useful, among other situations, when applying multipliers to Horizon interests.
{if horizon_interest('apples')*2 >= horizon_interest('oranges')}
You're at least half as interested in apples as you are in oranges!
To find the remainder of division of one number by another, use the
modulo operator %
{if (i % 2) != 0}
"i am an odd number!"{/if}
Note: Parentheses necessary around the modulo operator when using a comparison.
This can be useful for styling content. For instance, creating a two-column table so that any even-numbered item is aligned left, and any odd-numbered item is aligned right:
{foreach content as i,c}
{if (i % 2) == 0}
<td align="left"><a href="{c.url}">{c.title}</a></td>
<td align="right"><a href="{c.url}">{c.title}</a></td>
You can use parentheses to specify the order-of-operations.
{5*3+1} = 16
{5*(3+1)} = 20
symbol adds two numbers together, but has other purposes when used for other types:
- If you use
on strings string1 + string2
, it concatenates them (appends string2
to the end of string1
) - If you use
on lists list1 + list2
, it appends the list2
to the end of list1
- If you use
on objects object1 + object2
, it merges them (returns object1
with all of object2
's keys copied onto it)
{'Zehpyr' + ' is fun'} = Zephyr is fun
{[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]} = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
{{'a':1,'b':2} + {'b':3,'c':4}} = {'a':1,'b':3,'c':4}
Zephyr supports lambdas (anonymous functions). These are typically used as parameters to functions such as
filter, or
The lambda syntax is similar to Python:
lambda x: x*2
lambda x,y: (x != y)
For more specific examples on how to use lambdas, see the documentation on the functions above.
List Comprehensions
Zephyr supports Python-style list comprehensions. This is a concise, elegant way to apply a map or filter to a list.
The format is:
[map for varname in list]
[map for varname in list if condition]
expression is applied to each member of the
that matches
. This is probably easier illustrated with some examples:
applying a map function: {[x*2 for x in [1,2,3,4,5]]} = [2,4,6,8,10]
applying a filter: {[x for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if x > 2]} = [3, 4, 5]
applying both: {[x*2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] if x > 2]} = [6, 8, 10]
This is especially useful for filtering content pulled from a data feed. For example, to filter for the stories tagged
in a list called
pulled from your data feed, you could do:
{content = [c for c in content if contains(c.tags, 'football')]}