“Feed” Object

Within any Zephyr context, the feed object contains a number of useful pieces of data about the current data feed being used in a campaign or transactional email. This object is useful for populating dynamic sections of an email based on items such as the feed name.

Here is an example “feed” object:
  "name":"Sports Feed",
    "sports"  ],
    "entertainment"  ],
      "val":"sports"    }
      "val":"true"    }
(Line breaks added for clarity.)
namestringThe name of the feed
urlstringThe url of the feed
filter_tagslistAny tags being filter for
filter_out_tagslistAny tags being filtered out
filter_varslistA key/value pair of any variables being filtered for
filter_out_varslistA key/value pair of any variables being filtered out
This can be useful for having dynamic sections in your email template, such as a header, based on the data feed being used. For example:
{if feed.name == "Sports Feed"}
<!--Sports Header-->
{else if feed.name == "Politics Feed"}
<!--Politics Header-->
<!--Default Header-->