“Message” Object

Within any Zephyr context, the messageobject contains a number of useful pieces of data about the current transactional email message. This object is intended for use with Triggers that require a custom Zephyr script. Note that the message object applies only to a sent email, so it would refer to the first transactional email that hosts the trigger. (Note that a trigger is second transactional that exists on the template of the first transactional.)

Triggers are also available through our API. See the trigger call. Here is a sample message object:
   "template" : "DC-template" ,         
   "sample" : "A",
   "revision_id" : 131152 ,         
   "send_time" : 1311284816 ,         
   "click_time" : 1301384816 ,         
   "open_time" : 1301394816 ,         
   "purchase_time" : 1309366347,         
   "clicks": [                 
                "ts": 1309366347,                         
                "ip": ""                   
                 "ts": 1309366357,                         
                 "ip": ""                 
   "opens": [                 
                 "ts": 1309366347,                         
                 "ip": ""                 
            },                 {                         
                 "ts": 1309366357,                         
                 "ip": ""                 
templatestringtemplate name
revision_idintegerRevision ID of the template
send_timeintegerUNIX timestamp of the time the message was sent.
open_timeintegerUNIX timestamp of the most recent time the user last opened a message
click_timeintegerUNIX timestamp of the most recent time the user clicked a message
purchase_timeintegerUNIX timestamp of the most recent purchase by the user
clicksarrayList of click data containing IP and click time
opensarrayList of open data containing IP and click time
sampleStringA/B test sample string if set