Zendesk App

The Zendesk app is Sailthru by Marigold's official integration for Zendesk. The app is designed to provide valuable and actionable data from the platform to support agents when working with customers.

The app offers the following features:

  • In-ticket user list membership and opt-out status management.
  • In-ticket data on customer behavior (e.g. engagement, last open, signup time).
  • Profile data sync between the platforms, with support for changing customer email addresses from within Zendesk (syncing the new email while leaving the rest of the user profile intact).
  • Set customers' health to inform your marketing strategy through a profile var.

Additionally, clients with Prediction Manager will have access to the following features:

  • a 1-4 scale representation of their PM segment based on predictions of 30-day pageviews (for publishers) or 365-day revenue (for ecommerce).
  • High Value Customer Tagging: The app will automatically tag high value customers based on Customer Value Score with a sailthru_highvalue label in Zendesk.



Best Practice: Connecting your account with a third party vendor requires a 3rd party API Key and Secret. For your account security, you should use a different Key and Secret for each integration. Contact support to request an integration-specific Key and Secret.



Once installed, visit a ticket and open up the right sidebar. If the customer has a profile, the screen will populate with their data.

Overview Screen


The Overview page shows predictive stats at-a-glance, as well as stats about lifetime interaction, activity highlights (sign-up date, most recent pageview, open, click, and more), and allows you to set Customer Health as a var.

Moving the Customer Health slider between neutral, happy, and frustrated will send the zendesk_health var with the corresponding value from the slider. You can then use this for suppression lists as well as various email strategies.

For example: If a Zendesk agent identifies that a customer is clearly unhappy and that it would cause more frustration if they were to receive a marketing campaign in the next day, the agent could change the status tofrustrated and the marketing team could suppress any campaign messages to that user,in an effort to reduce the chance of the customer unsubscribing.

Email Screen

From the email tab you will be able to remove the customer from any current list subscriptions, as well as edit their opt-out status.