Liveintent Tags

LiveIntent tags require unique variables (macros) to function properly. The values are called into LiveIntent tags at the time the email is sent.

The variables include:

  • An email
  • A unique placement id
  • A list id (optional, but used for reporting)

To set these up in Engage by Sailthru, you’ll need to swap these LiveIntent values with Engage by Sailthru template variables using Zephyr.

LiveIntent Tag Description Engage by Sailthru Template Variable
Email Maps to an email or an MD5 hash of an email in Engage by Sailthru. Variable e={Email} m={MD5 hash} (recommended)Note: As a privacy best practice, hash email addresses. Email {email}MD5 hash of an email {md5(email)}
Placement ID This must be a unique number specific to the individual user and the campaign. To get this kind of value, we recommend combining the “emailnum” variable with a date value or the blast id.Emailnum represents the order of the message in the total send, i.e. 20 would be the 20th message sent in the campaign Variable p={Placement ID} Date and emailnum {date(‘MMddyyyy’)+emailnum}Blast ID and emailnum {}
List ID optional, but needed for reporting Engage by Sailthru does not have a template variable called list_id. You can use other Engage by Sailthru values to identify the campaign in their reporting. We recommend:
  • The numerical campaign ID
  • The campaign list name
  • The campaign name
Variable li={List ID}
Numerical campaign ID {}Campaign list name {blast.list}Campaign Name {}
Key/Value Pairs Set custom key/value pairs for demographic data or list segments. Variable {key}={variable} Reference Engage by Sailthru’s template or profile custom fields as needed.


Using LiveIntent Values in Templates

  • In the Template Editor, add LiveIntent tags to your template as you build it.
  • Templates using Liveintent tags must be dynamic templates.