Introduction to Mobile Analytics

With Mobile, you can track app opens, campaign impressions, and activity levels in real-time on your dashboards. Go beyond mere install numbers, offering insight into the levels of engagement and attributes of your user base

Once you have selected your app in Mobile, analytics are available in two areas of the interface. In the Analytics section, the following App Analytics pages are available:

  • Engagement - App opens, monthly active users, aggregate time that users are spending in your app, and other events that your app sends to Mobile.
  • Revenue - Track revenue associated with push notifications through the Purchase API.
  • Installs - App installs and uninstalls for any date or date range, including all-time totals.
  • Pushes Sent - Total push notifications sent for any date or date range, including all-time totals. View each notification's text alongside this data.
  • Geography - Your users across countries, time zones, and languages.
  • Technology - Your users' device types, OS versions, app versions, and Mobile SDK versions.
Mobile also offers Message Performance Analytics that track events that occur from a push, for example, app opens, or other custom conversion events. Message performance analytics are displayed when you click on an in-app or push message under the messages Messages.You can also export Mobile Analytics via an API directly to other systems that you use for reporting analysis. For more information on how your development team can import data into other systems, see Getting Started in Mobile's For Developers documentation.


Analytics Interface

Engagement, Installs, and Pushes Sent

Across these pages of the Analytics interface:
  • Each tab displays:
    • A single graph, with underlying metrics at the bottom of the page.
    • Clickable flags displaying Messages sent, which correspond to the timeline of the graph.
    • The option to select to view All users in aggregate, iOS and Android users simultaneously in separate overlaid graphs (but with the same aggregated metrics listed below), or only those using either iOS orAndroid.
      • Note that separating data by OS is not available on the Pushes Sent page.
    • The option to view data for the last 7, 30, or 60 days, or a custom date range.
    • A download button to download hourly or daily data to a CSV file.
  • The flags shown at the bottom of your report graphs indicate the content of each push notification or in app message correlated to the time it was sent, as well as any custom comments you have entered in this interface as internal notes. These help to relate the impact of your mobile messages and other factors (that you add as notes) on engagement.

    Push Notifications

    Click to view the content of the push notification that was sent at the indicated time.

    In-App Messages

    Click to view the content of the push notification that was sent at the indicated time.

    Custom Notes

    Click to view, edit, or delete the content of the custom (internal) note.

    • To Add, Edit, or Remove a Custom Note
      • Hover your mouse at the bottom of the graph area and locate the time and date with which you want to associate the note. Click that location, enter your comments, and click Save.
      • When you open an existing note, you can then click the gear icon at the top-right of the note to Edit or Delete the note.
For more detail on the analytics displayed on these pages, see App Analytics.

Geography and Technology

The Geography and Technology pages each have their own unique interface, tailored to give you an easy view of these details across your user base.

For more detail on the analytics displayed on these pages, see App Analytics.

App Analytics Detail

For detailed information on each page within the Mobile Analytics interface, see the following sections in App Analytics.
  • Engagement
  • Installs
  • Pushes Sent
  • Geography
  • Technology