Mobile Audience Test Groups

Mobile's Audience Builder allows you to use 10 automatically generated random deciles of your app's user base, labeled Group 1-10, for testing and other segmentation purposes.

For example, target Group 1 (10% of your users) with a set of AB test messages, then send the most effective message to the remaining 90%--Groups 2-10. Audience Builder allows you to easily use and combine these automatically generated Test Groups to create segments of any audience, test variations of the same message or notification on each segment, or run an AB test on just one. Note that you can send AB test messages to any audience without using Test Groups. However, if you want to run the test on a subset of an audience, Test Groups offer an easy way of creating that test segment and also the remaining 'holdout' segment to which you can send your optimized copy after the A/B test.


Create an Audience using a Test Group

To get started, head over to the Mobile Audience Builder and start a new audience. Select the filters you need, then save the audience. This will become the parent audience for your test groups.

Next, create a sub-audience under the one you just created. Expand the User section, then select A/B Test Group. Select the test groups you want to target.

You can target people who belong to the groups you selected, or exclude them from being targeted. To exclude them, change IS to IS NOT in the drop-down. If you selected multiple groups, change ARE to ARE NOT.

Save the child audience. You're now ready to send messages and notifications to users in this audience.