Personalized Text in Mobile Messages
Templating allows you to efficiently personalize messages for users. You can insert any User Attribute into a message--for example, their name or status--and the current value of the attribute for each user will be displayed when the user receives the message. Templating can be used in the title and body of In-App Messages and in Push Notifications.
Note: When personalizing a Lifecycle Optimizer push notification, use Zephyr.
Templates employ the use of double curly braces ('{{', '}}')
to signify when an attribute is used.
Here's a simple example of how to greet a user by name:
Input: "Hello, {{ custom.user_first_name }}!"
This simple template would look for a user attribute with the key 'user_first_name' and then on a user-by-user basis, would replace it with the value (their name). This includes the double curly braces.
Output: "Hello, Sam!"
If they don't have a value set, then you can use a default value.
Input: "Hello {{ custom.first_name | default:'there'}}!"
Output:"Hello there!"
This also applies to text, numbers and dates too.
Input: "Hey {{ custom.first_name | default:'there'}}. We see you've purchased {{custom.total_purchases}} products so far, with the latest being {{custom.latest_purchased}}. How are you finding them? Please fill out [this survey]( to tell us more!</span>
Output: "Hey Sam. We see you've purchased 9 products so far, with the latest being 5/5/2015. How are you finding them? Please fill out this survey to tell us more!"
For in-app messages, we support even more of the Liquid Templating Language, so there's many more advanced techniques you can use such as conditional text, math, and iteration.