Mobile Glossary



A/B Test Groups

Groups used as targets for testing different content to measure relative performance.


Statistics about your app.

App Opens

How many times the app has been opened across a given time period.

App Version

The current version number of your app.


A group of users who are identified as sharing a specified behavior or set of characteristics, who you may target with unique messaging efforts.

Audience Access

Allows you to let a Mobile user access only certain audiences for messaging.

Backoff Time

The amount of time that the system will wait between consecutive Push Notifications to the same device. Leave this blank if you would like users to receive every push.


A number that is overlaid on the app icon indicating there is a number of items that need attention.


A type of value that can either be True or False.

Bundle Identifier

A unique code that developers use to identify the app to Apple and Google.

Custom Attributes

A piece of data about a user or device.

Custom Events

An action taken or caused by a user interacting with your app, which you identify with a unique, custom name to Mobile. See also: Events.


A type of value that holds both date and time

Device ID

A unique identifier for a device

Device Log

A list of all devices that have your app installed

Device Type

Which make and model of Phone, Tablet or iPod Touch a user is using.


A collection of analytics relating to how often the app is opened, for how long and what notable behaviors are taking place.


A notable, specific behavior by a user and sent to Mobile.


A condition that a certain number of users meet.

First Installed

The date and time when the app was installed on the user’s device, as identified by the app’s first open.


A type of value that holds a number that is not a whole number (for example, 1.21).

Full Screen Impressions

The number of times a message has been seen in the full screen view.


Usage based on best-known/estimated location.


The number of times a message has been seen.

In App Messages – Automated – Published

Active messages that will be sent to users when they become eligible for them.

In App Message

A message that is delivered inside your app and typically displayed using a list of all messages.

In App Messages – Archived

Messages that are no longer in the user’s stream, but have been active in the past.

In App Messages – Published

Messages that will appear in a user’s Message Stream.

In App Messages – Scheduled

A message that will be delivered in the future.

In App Notification Impressions

The number of times the message has been seen as an In App Notification.


The number of devices onto which your app has been installed.


A type of value that holds whole numbers only.


The language the user has set their device to. Note: There is, for example, a difference between UK English and US English.

Last Opened App

The date and time the app was opened on the user’s device.

Max Pushes

The maximum number of Push Notifications the system will send to a single device. Leave this blank if you do not want to cap the amount of Push Notifications sent.

Message Delay

The amount of time that the system will wait after a trigger event, before sending a Message to a user. Leave this blank if you would like the user to receive the Message immediately.

Message Stream

A list of messages for a certain user

Message Stream Impressions

The number of times a message has been seen in the stream

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

The number of unique users of your app for the last 30 days

No Trigger

The message will be published to users currently in the selected audience

Notification Log

A list of all push notifications sent used by developers for troubleshooting

Operating System

The software that runs on the user’s device. Example: iOS or Android.


A user account inside your app with a certain level of Access

Permissions – Admin

Admins have access to view and edit analytics, messages, and settings.

Permissions – Author

Authors can view analytics and edit and create messages and audiences.

Permissions – Developer

Developer can edit API and developer settings and send test messages.


A collection of all your apps.

Push Certificate

A security measure by Apple so only you can send Push notifications to your app (and not just anyone)

Push Message

A system alert delivered by your app – these appear on your device home screen and notification and outside the app.

Push Message – Sent

A message that has been sent out to a group of users

Push Messages – Automated

Messages that will be delivered at a time determined by user behavior

Push Messages – Automated – Published

Active messages that will be sent to users when they become eligible for them

Push Messages – Automated – Scheduled

Messages that will become active for sending in the future

Push Messages – Automated – Scheduled

Messages that are no longer active

Push Messages – Automated – Scheduled

Messages that will become active for sending in the future

Push Messages – Automated – Scheduled

Messages that are no longer active

Push Messages – Scheduled

A message that will be delivered in the future

Push Token

A unique identifier a device receives from Apple or Google that signifies push has been enabled.

Schedule Options – Expiry Date

The time at which the message is removed from users feed or becomes inactive

Schedule Options – Publish Date

The time at which the message becomes active

Schedule Options – Send at local time

This will send the message at the specified time, local time.


A unique key code that your app uses to register with Mobile and link the app to your Mobile account.

SDK Version

The version of the Mobile SDK inside your app. Only recent SDK versions may contain new features.


A type of value that can hold words or characters


A group of users that inherits characteristics or behavior from a parent audience, and applies additional segmentation criteria

Time In App

How much time a user spends inside the app within a given period


A message sent automatically based on a user moving to a different audience

Triggers on Entry

The message will be published to users as they enter the selected audience

Triggers on Exit

The message will be published to users as they exit the selected audience


The number of devices that previously had your app installed and no longer have the app installed