Mobile Settings

Prior to updating any settings, it's recommended that you check with your team.

General Settings

In General Settings you are able to set:

  • App Details - General Settings is also where you can change your app name, upload an icon, and subscribe to Weekly Report for your app via email. The app name and icon will appear in the Apps menu to allow you to identify between apps if you have multiple apps in Mobile.
  • Push Throttle - Set the maximum rate at which the total number of Push Notifications will be sent. For more details, see Throttling Push Notifications.
  • My Subscriptions - Where you can choose to receive weekly notifications on the performance of your app and alerts in advance of certification expirations.
  • Danger Zone - Delete yourself from the app and/or remove apps.


My Team

In the My Teamsection, you can add and manage the users who have access to the app.

You can view the list of everyone who has access to this app and their role. We have four roles:

  • Admins have full access to the app features, including changing the permissions of other users.
  • Authors have the same permissions as Viewers, however, can also publish and send messages.
  • Developers can edit API and developer related settings and send test messages.
  • Viewers have access to the Analytics and can view messages and push notification stats. They cannot create messages or change any app settings. This is the default settings and is not listed next to the name of users who are solely Viewers.

To edit a user's permissions, click Edit. To remove the user from the app, click Delete.

To grant a new user access to the platform, click Create Permission. Add their email address, and choose the permissions. Then click Grant Access.

This person will automatically be sent an email. If they already have a Mobile account, they'll be added to this app, and can then log in as per normal and select this app from the menu up here.

If they don't have a Mobile account, they'll be prompted to create an account..

Enterprise customers can also control Author and Developer permissions for specific audiences. Users with these audience-restricted permissions will be able to create sub-audiences and publish messages to only the users for which they have access. For example, a country, region, store, or loyalty program.



The Developer section is developer-specific. Developers can access the following:

  • SDK Setup - Use this section to obtain SDK keys for Apple iOS and Android OS.
  • Integrations - Obtain the integration key and create API clients, which allows developers to authenticate with our Public API.
  • Advanced - Set up Message Attributes, such as CTA_button for tracking specific items within messages.

For more information, see our For Developers documentation pages.



In the Logs section, developers can:

  • View a device log which shows a list of all users which have opened your app. The device log is sorted by recency, with the users who have most recently opened the app listed at the top. If you need to erase a device/user through the Mobile UI, select the device(s) and then Erase from the menu in the top right corner. 
  • View a notification log which shows all the push notifications sent recently, including via API.

For more information, see our For Developers documentation pages.