Using Mobile with Core (email/on-site)

When using Mobile-powered mobile apps along with other services, you can easily sync user data for all shared users: those whose email address in Mobile matches that which is stored in the platform.

Then, take advantage of the connection by:

  • Using Lists membership to target users in your Mobile App.
  • Identifying and targeting those shared Mobile users via Audience Builder.
With the ability to find and target customers who exist in both platforms, you can now provide customers a more seamless, coordinated experience across channels. For example, reaching mutual customers across channels by sending offers to your mobile app to reward your daily newsletter users, or finding mobile customers who did not open your email re-engagement campaign and retarget them through your app.


How it Works

  • Multiple Mobile applications can be linked to a core account.
  • Shared users are identified and updated in real time, whenever email addresses match across both systems.
  • Each night, all lists' memberships are updated in Mobile. Using Mobile's Audiences tool, you can then include users from any list.
    Note: You can also initiate an update at any time.
For example:
  1. In core:Create a Smart List with the criteria 'Has high likelihood to opt out' (requires Prediction Manager).
  2. In core: Suppress those users from an email campaign.
  3. In Mobile: Send an in-app message to those users instead.



Email is used as the connecting identifier between users in the core platform and devices in Mobile. Check in with your app developer to make sure your app is collecting users' email addresses and sending them to Mobile. (This can be accomplished using the Mobile SDK's setUserEmail method.) With users identified in both platforms, these one-time steps can be completed by your Customer Success Manager. If you do not see the Lists option under the Mobile Audiences tool, please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this integration.
  1. Log into the Mobile platform, then perform the following actions:
    1. Click Settings in the left-navigation menu, then select Developer.
    2. On the top navigation bar, click Integrations.
    3. Copy the Integration Key.
  2. Log into My Sailthru, then perform the following actions:
    1. Click Settings in the top right-navigation menu.
    2. Select Channels, then Mobile Apps.
    3. Select Add New App. (Enter the App Name used in Mobile or any custom name to help you uniquely identify the app.)
    4. In the Platform App id field, paste the Integration Key that you copied from Mobile.
    5. Set the Environment for the app -- whether the app is considered a Production (prod) or Development (dev) version of your app. This is displayed with the app on the Mobile Apps List in My Sailthru and has no technical effect.
    6. Next to Device Type, select Carnival Integration.


In My Sailthru

Use Mobile Device Criteria in Audience Builder

Make use of the Mobile App filter to segment users. Select Has Engage by Sailthru Mobile device, and using the 'IS or IS NOT a match' option above, determine whether your audience should contain users who do or to not have a Mobile device. You can also combine this filter with other filters, to identify a subset of your audience of Mobile app users or non-users. Or, use any filter to create a Smart List, but don't add the Mobile App filter. Then, in Mobile, you'll be able to target the subset of users who exist in both systems and are also part of that Smart List.

Manually Sync All Lists

All of your lists sync with Mobile nightly, but you can also initiate a manual list sync at any time, to ensure that the latest list memberships are reflected in your Mobile account.
  1. Go to the Lists page.
  2. Next to any list you wish to sync with Mobile, click the Cloud Export icon .
  3. Select Mobile, then click Export your lists to Mobile.


In Mobile

  1. Go to the Audiences menu.
  2. Click Create Audience.
  3. In the left criteria listing, under Engage by Sailthru, select Lists.
  4. All lists that have at least one Mobile user are available, with the top 10 in terms of membership size listed by default. If needed, enter part of a list name to filter and locate a list.
  5. Select one or more lists.
  6. Under Active Filters, choose whether each user you want to select "IS" or "IS NOT" on each list.
  7. Enter an Audience Name and click Save.