View Site Personalization Analytics

In Site Recommendations on, you can view the following data for any variant of a section, for the section overall (including all variants), and for all sections in total, to monitor the impact of site personalization:

  • Impressions – an impression is logged when a personalize section enters the visitors viewport (not counted if never visible / below the fold)
  • Clicks – a personalize recommendation is clicked on
  • Click Rate % – (Clicks / Impressions * 100)
  • Purchases – a purchase originating from a personalized recommendation
  • Conversion Rate % – (Purchases / Impressions * 100)
  • Revenue – revenue attributed to a personalized recommendation
  • Revenue / M – (Revenue / (Impressions / 1000))
  • Pageviews – total number of site pages visited
  • Total Visits – the number of site visitors that visited a page with the JavaScript tag on it
  • Personalize Requests – the number of requests made to SPM to display content (note, multiple sections on a single page will result in only one personalize request)

 You can view all data:

  • as a table and a graph
    • for the graph, use the drop-down to select each metric
  • across any time span, with default tabs for today and yesterday
    • on the “today” graph, view an overlay graph for yesterday or last week
    • on the “yesterday” graph, view an overlay graph for last week