Building a Journey
Journeys is an orchestration tool that offers non-technical marketers end-to-end capabilities to manage and deliver personalized interactions at scale. Journeys allows marketers to easily create a multi-step campaign helping thembrowse, build, publish, and manage advanced journeysbased on existing Engage+ assets.
This guide shows you all of the basics that you need to design your own journey using the Journeys canvas
Creating a Journey with Engage+
To get started in Messaging Mode, each journey needs a Recipient Table to be set up as a source of customer data. This can be set either in the Account as a default, or in Journey Settings to override this for an individual journey.
To set up the Recipient Table in Journey Settings from a blank canvas:
- Select an already created Journey or click +Add Journey.
- Click Start from Blank Canvas.
- Type in a Name.
- Click +Create.
This should take you to the Canvas screen:
- Scroll down and click the setting icon labeled Journey Settings.
- Scroll down to Data Source and click Select.
- Click on Recipient.
- Click Next.
- Click to choose up to three attributes. These attributes are used to search for information and are displayed in the summary, i.e., Age, Birthday, Job Title, Email Address, etc.
- Click Select.
Navigating the Canvas
The Canvas is similar to a whiteboard tool. It is an infinite canvas you can use to construct a workflow for your Journey. This is where you can build your specialized Journey.This is the main screen when you first open your journey, and you can return to The Canvas by hitting this icon in the left hand side menu.
Saving your work
Journeys does not save your work automatically, but you have several options available to you when you have finished making changes, available in the header:
- Cancel - does NOT save your work, but takes you back to the Journeys Homepage.Apply - saves your changes, and keeps you on the canvas.
Save - saves your changes, and takes you back to the Journeys Homepage.
Warning Messages
When you save your journey, Journeys performs validation checks against everything that you have created to make sure that you are aware of any configuration changes. Your work is saved in this process.
Journeys allows you to save and exit without addressing these warnings, so that you can come back to it later.
Any affected steps is detailed in the warning message, and a warning badge appears on each affected step.
Canvas Controls
The Canvas includes a control bar on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to control what you can see.
The key actions you can perform here are:
- Undo/Redo - goes back over the last change you made. If you have deleted a step, a badge appears to show you the change.
Restoring Earlier Changes
If you changed your mind about changes you’ve made want to revert to a previous version, you can use the Journey Logs section in the left hand menu:
Open the Logs Pane, and you can see a revision log. Each version is taken from whenever you save your work. You can select any of these to review the changes, and if you want to revert to that version, click Restore.
- Lock the Canvas - to make sure no one can accidentally make changes. When a journey is Published, the canvas is automatically locked
- Zoom - you can use the Canvas Controls to zoom in and out, or fit your journey to your screen. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom.
From the canvas, you can:
- Save your work
- Lock the canvas
- Zoom
- Undo/Redo
Adding your first steps
- Click the + symbol for Add Step in the left-hand menu.
- Drag and drop a Start Journey and Exit Journey step onto the canvas.
- Drag any other steps you want in-between.
Best Practice(s): Lay out your steps in the way that you want to visualize your journey before you connect them. This makes it easier to edit. |
- Connect your steps by hovering over the step, and dragging from the Blue Exit Node to the Green Entry Node of the steps you want to connect
This is your Inaction Path. All customers entering this journey go down this path unless they meet conditions (such as making a purchase) that you specify later in this guide. Typically you would set this exit to a Neutral Exit (see Configuring Your Exits).
Configuring your Start step
Your start step listens for Events such as a customer making a purchase or signing up for your newsletter.
Give it a name.
Give it an icon.
Specify the event by typing the event name that you set up (make sure that there is an exact match).
Creating Events
Events from Engage+ are managed using webhooks, and you need to make sure that the naming that you use matches exactly.
To read more about setting this up, refer to the Setting up Webhooks guide[link]
You can also add conditions to your start step. For example, you might have a completely different journey for customers with a high-spend. Creating conditions is covered here.
Define when the journey ends, but they are also used in Reporting [link] to understand whether your journey achieved its objectives.
Configuring your Exits
There are three types of exits:
- Positive Exits: used when your customer has done something that you want them to do, such as making a purchase
- Negative Exits: typically used when a customer performs an action that is destructive - for example, if they remove themselves from a mailing list and has a detrimental affect on your KPIs
- Neutral Exits: used for customers who neither positively nor negatively affect your KPIs. They are typically used in your inaction path.
Best Practice(s): Limit yourself to 3-5 exits in your journey to avoid confusion in your reporting as you can always set up more journeys.
In addition, try and think about negative exits in your journey and what behaviors you do not want to see. Your reporting reveals ways in which you can improve your customer experience.
To configure your exits:
- Enter a name which clearly and accurately describes the outcome
- Set the Outcome Type to the type of Exit you want for this journey path
- Enter an Outcome Label. If you set up your table to use this field, this will be displayed against the customer record.
Configuring Email, SMS, and Push Notifications
Journeys is linked to your Engage+, allowing you to select campaigns that you set up there. You need to have an asset that has been set up correctly to be able to find it with your Campaign step.
Create Campaign
Campaigns which you use in Journeys exist in Engage+. There are two ways for you to be able to create a campaign which will work:
Create from within Journeys - which will apply all the correct settings for you
Create from Engage+ - which will require you to make sure that you are using the correct settings for the journey you intend to use it in
Create from Journeys
You can create a campaign for your journey directly from within the Journeys interface.
This creates a placeholder campaign which you can return to later, so that you can focus on the configuration of your journey.
Open the Send Email step you want to use
Scroll to the Email Section
Open the selector
Click create
Here you will provide:
A name for your campaign
Choose a folder location in Engage+
Override the table (advanced)
We recommend that all campaigns use the same table as your journey. If you want to use a different table, you’ll need to configure your Start Event with the correct Alt ID or Ext ID - see this guide for more detail.
When you have done, simply click create and you’ll be returned to the edit pane in your Send Email step.
Create from Engage+
You can also create campaigns from within Engage+, but you need to be more careful to make sure that your settings are correct, otherwise your email won’t be compatible with your journey.
Click Add Campaign
In the dialogue, use the following settings
Send type Messaging
Data source should be the same table as your journey
Type must be Event Triggered
Channel must be Email
When you have done this:
Choose either Simple Event Trigger or Advanced Event Trigger - for more details to help you choose, see campaign personalization
Save your campaign
Your campaign is now ready to be added to your Send Email step.
For details about setting up triggers, refer to this guide.
Adding wait durations
Each step in Journeys will follow immediately after the next. Rather than sending out content to your customers in quick succession, you can use wait steps.
There are three types of wait in Journeys:
- Wait Step - defines a duration
- Wait Until - defines the next day/time to send
- Countdown Steps - count backwards from a specific date you have set
Configuring Wait steps
Waits Steps(s) allow you to configure a duration in Weeks, Days, Hours, or Minutes.
- Add a number to define the time
- Choose Weeks, Days, Hours, or Minutes.
Early Exits from Wait steps
If you want to move the customer along more quickly, Wait and Wait Until steps allow you to create an Early Exit path.
The Early Exit listens to an event you specify, so that if the customer does something you want them to, such as making a purchase, you can progress them more quickly to a Positive Exit, rather than waiting for the whole duration of the wait.
Note: This is very similar to the Update Journey step and is another option you have available, but it requires an additional connection. Think carefully about the design of your journey before using this option.
Configuring Wait Until steps
Wait Until steps work in a similar way to Wait steps but allows you to have control over scheduling. You might have internal processes, which run on a regular basis (e.g. updating customer lists at 5pm on a Tuesday). Wait Until steps allow you to sync the journey with those processes.
1. Define a day
2. Define a time on your chosen day
Early Exits from Wait steps
If you want to move the customer along more quickly, Wait and Wait Until steps allow you to create an Early Exit path.
The Early Exit listens to an event you specify, so that if the customer does something you want them to, such as making a purchase, you can progress them more quickly to a Positive Exit, rather than waiting for the whole duration of the wait.
Note: This is very similar to the Update Journey step and is another option you have available, but it requires an additional connection. Think carefully about the design of your journey before using this option.
Configuring Countdown steps
Countdown steps, rather than counting upwards from a previous step, count downwards to a date which you specify.
This can make it much easier to manage journeys such as bookings so that you can picture what happens before the date, and what happens after the event.
Best Practice(s): The Journey Target Date is not the same as the journey exit. As a result, you can use Countdown steps to define what happens before the target date and then switch to wait steps to perform follow-ups, such as getting a customer review.
Late Arrivals
Similar to Early Exits, you can define what happens if a customer doesn’t arrive at your Countdown step with enough time for the timer to run down. For instance, you might have built a booking journey with campaigns at T-2 weeks and T-1 weeks, and a customer arrives with less than a week to go.
In this instance, you can set the Exit via a “Late Arrivals” path option. This allows you to draw a new connection which you can use to either bypass certain steps, or define a completely new path with different campaigns for customers who book late.
Best Practice(s): If you are defining a journey using Countdown Steps, use the late arrivals path on all of your countdowns and string them together to catch all of your customers making late bookings.
Setting target date for your Journey
Your journey target date is found under Journey Settings in the left-hand menu.
There are three options for setting the target date -
Actual Date: allows you to set a date that is the same for all customers (e.g. if your journey is for a one-off event).
Event: uses the data relating to an event (e.g. a flight check-in).
Table Attribute: looks up data about your customer in the table you have used in your journey (e.g. Birthday).
Setting a target date from an event
Events are determined by the data that you have in your webhook.
Within the JSON payload of your webhook is a list of properties, simply copy the name of the property that contains the target date you want into the input. In the example below, this is “checking.”
Setting a target date from a table attribute
In scenarios where you have a date or dateTime attribute in the table that you use for your Journey, you can configure your journey’s target date as this value. Thus, personalizing it based on customer data.
Examples might include the customer’s birthday or the date of their first purchase with you.
Use the selector to choose the attribute that you want to base the journey’s target date on.
Multiple Paths: Personalizing your Journey for customers
So far we’ve looked at journeys that use a single path, the “inaction path”, which doesn’t require the user to do anything.
This might be enough for Welcome journeys or educational series, however, Journeys of this type are difficult to have any meaningful success metrics and are not personalized to your individual customers.
In this section, you can add some new paths by personalizing the journey based on customer data and preferences, customer behavior, and record how these affect your journey objectives.
This guide introduces some new concepts:
Split steps: allow you to split a journey into two paths (A/B Split and Advanced Decision steps).
Update Journey Steps: listen for another event, so that at any point in your journey, you can move a customer onto a new path.
Update Profile steps: allows you to write back to your table to record data when a customer does something.
Split Steps
Split steps allow you to determine which of two paths a customer goes down by defining the criteria you want to use in order to split traffic.
Best Practice(s): If two paths are not enough for you, you can string split steps together to create more and more personalized routes.
Remember to think about your journey design and what level of personalization is worth the effort. You can always create separate journeys to make management of this easier.
There are two types of split:
A/B Split - used to randomly send traffic down each path
Advanced Decision - used to create rules to define how traffic is split
Using the A/B Split step
The A/B Split step is not designed for testing content. It is designed to understand the difference that combinations of journey steps can have on your journey outcomes.
For example, if you want to test whether you have different results with changing channels or adding wait durations, you use a Split step:
Configuration of the split takes place on the connectors.
Open the connector to see the option to change the percentage of traffic that will go down each of your paths (always equalling 100% of traffic between both).
Using Decision steps
Decision steps allow journeys to be personalized by sending a customer down a different path.
You can use data from a recipient table to send a customer an email or SMS depending on their preferences. You can also use Event Metadata (such as Cart Total), Table Attributes (such as Channel Preference), or a Literal Condition (such as the Day of the Week) to make a decision.
Best Practice(s): Decision Steps use a Yes/No logic to determine which route to send a customer down. When you are designing your journey, think about how you can build the expression to get a true/false answer.
Creating an Expression
The Expression Builder can be found in several places around Journeys: Decision steps, Start steps, and Update Journey steps.
It allows you to create simple rules using either the Basic builder, or if you’re an advanced user, you can use the Advanced tab to write your expression.
More details about formatting can be found in the Expressions Guide.
- Click Add Condition (you can add multiple conditions with AND/OR logic).
- Choose whether you want to base your condition on the following:
- Member Attribute: build a condition based on data in the table your journey uses.
- Event Attribute: properties from the JSON payload of your webhook
- Literal Condition: e.g. Day of the week
- Use the modifier to create the expression.
- Enter a value that you want to match with, e.g.
- Date of Birth EQUALS 1998-09-01.
- Cart Total IS GREATER THAN 200.
Click here to configure your Event/Campaign data to best utilize Decision steps and create webhooks.
Using Update Journey steps
Rather than having lots of connections from every single step to move a customer on a new path, you can use the Update Journey step to define a parallel path whenever an event is triggered.
For example, a restaurant manager wants to get customers to leave a review after they have made a booking and sends an email to ask for their review after they had their meal:
In this example, we will wait 7 days for a review, and if at any point in that 7 days the customer leaves a review, we can send them to an alternative path and mark them as Negative or Positive, depending on the review that they leave.
Add an Update Step from the Add Pane.
Enter the event that you want to listen for.
You can also add conditions because both steps are listening to the same event. You can use the Event Data to determine whether the review is negative or positive.
Best Practice(s): Update Steps are typically used alongside specific journey exit types, you can monitor which users are doing or not doing what you want them to do. In this example, a positive review is followed by a Positive Exit; a negative review with a Negative Exit.
Update Profile steps
Update Profile steps allow you to write to the table that your journey is using in order to add information, which might be useful to your team. For example, you might want to create a list of customers who have left a bad review:
1. Use the Attribute Selector in the Update Profile step to choose where you want to write.
Best Practice(s): Make sure that you have the right column created in your table in Engage+ and that it is set to the correct data type
2. Use the field below to enter the value that you want to use to update the row. For example:
Bad Review simply writes this string into the field.
Next Steps
You’ve now built your journey, let’s save and test it. See the next guide to learn how to ensure that your journey is ready for publication.