Client Administrator Workspace (Marigold ID Administration)

The Marigold ID administration workspace allows administrators to review and manage their organization users, their business units, and the application access in each business unit. The administrators can invite new users, modify existing user accounts and review recent login sessions and activities.

From the Marigold ID Administration workspace you can perform the following operations, based on your permissions in the system:

  • User management

  • View Business units

  • View activity log

User Management

The Users tab shows all the users of the organization or the business units, based on your Marigold ID role and permission. The various tasks that can be performed by the organization and business unit admins in this tab are given below.

Role Permitted Actions





Organization Admin

  • view all users belong to the organization edit any user of the organization

  • edit any user of the organization

  • make an existing user an organization admin

  • invite new user to the organization and its BUs

  • resend “Welcome Email” to an existing user

  • send “Reset Password” email to an existing users

  • Suspend or unsuspend an user

  • Add Business Unit and Application Access to an User

  • Modify application access of an user



Business Unit Admin (BU Admin)

  • View all users of the BU they administer

  • invite new user to the BU they  administer

  • resend “Welcome Email” to an existing user in the BU

  • send “Reset Password” email to an existing user in the BU

  • Modify application access of an existing user in the BU

From the Users tab, you can perform the following tasks based on your permissions in the system:

  • View users in the organization/BU

  • Edit users in the organization/BU

  • Manage Organization Admin Permissions for an user

  • Make an user a BU admin

  • Invite new user to an organization/BU

  • Resend welcome email to an inactive user

  • Suspend or unsuspend an user

  • Send email to an user to reset their password

  • Modify application access of an user

View Users (Organization & BU admins)

Navigate to the Users tab to view all the users in the organization or the business units you administer.

Edit Users (Organization Admin)

  1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to edit the details. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

  2. Edit the required details of the user.

  3. Click Save, to confirm the changes.

Invite New User to Organization/BU (Organization & BU admins)

An organization admin will be able to add users to any business unit in the organization and BU admin to the Business units they manage. To invite an user:

1. Click Invite Users in the top menu.

2. Enter the email address of the new user in the Add Users window and press Enter.

3. Click Invite and Assign Applications.

4. Select the business units in the Add Business Unit to Users window and click Next.

5. Select the applications business units in the Add Business Unit to Users window and click Done.

6. Click OK in the success window displayed. An invitation email will be sent to the new user.

Add Business Unit and Application Access to Existing User (Organization Admin)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and select the user you want to add the business units and applications to. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Select the required user from the list and click Options > Add Access. The Add Business Units to Users window is displayed.

3. Select the business units you want to add and click Next.  The Add Application to Users window is displayed.

4. Click on applications that you want to assign to the user from the list displayed.

5. Click Done to confirm the changes.

6. Click OK in the results window to return to the Users tab.

Manage Organization Admin Permissions for an Existing User (Organization Admin)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to edit the details. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Click Options. A drop-down menu is displayed.

3. Click Make Org Administrator to make the user an organization admin. The user will be assigned organization admin role. Conversely, to remove the organization admin permissions for an existing admin user, click Remove Org Administrator from the Options drop-down menu.

Make a User a BU Admin (Organization Admin)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to edit. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Select App Access tab.

3. Select the required business unit from the displayed list. If you are unable to find the required BU, the user must be assigned to the BU first. Refer Add Business Unit and Application Access to Existing User.

4. Click Options. From the displayed drop-down menu, click Add BU Admin Access. The user will be assigned admin access to the BU.

Resend Welcome Email to an Inactive User (Organization & BU admins)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the inactive user. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Click Options. A drop-down menu is displayed.

3. Click Resend Welcome Email. The Welcome email will be sent to the user.

Suspend or Unsuspend an User (Organization admin)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to suspend/ unsuspend the access. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Click Options. A drop-down menu is displayed.

3. Click Suspend. The users access to Marigold ID will be suspended. To unsuspend an user, Click Unsuspend.

Note: To maintain security, limit data retention, and protect the privacy of our users, Marigold ID will deactivate a user account 120 days after the  account was  suspended.

Send Reset Password Email to an Existing User (Organization & BU admins)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to edit the details. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Click Options. A drop-down menu is displayed.

3. Click Send Reset Password Email. The email will be sent to the user.

Modify BU and Applications Assigned to an User (Organization & BU admins)

1. Navigate to the Users tab and click on Edit corresponding to the user you want to edit the details. The Profile tab of the user is displayed.

2. Select App Access tab and click Modify Access.

3. Select or unselect the applications that you want modify corresponding to the business units and click Save Changes.

Allowed Organizations

Feature Overview

The Marigold ID system provides functionality for an organization to designate another organization as an "allowed organization," thereby granting users from the designated organization access to its account. Furthermore, users from the allowed organization can be assigned as administrators for their own organization.

Besides allowing organizations to delegate administrative responsibilities to users from the allowed organization, the feature also enables organizations with entities in different regions or locations to access each other's systems.

This feature can be configured only by a Marigold ID Super Admin.

Add Allowed Organization To a Client Organization


SB is an organization in Europe and it has the setup as follows:

  1. SB EMEA: This is their organization in Europe managing all businessnes in EU except France, Germany and Switzerland.

  2. SB FR: This is their organization managing businesses ONLY in France, Germany and Switzerland.

Use Case:

  1. Users from “SB EMEA” need access to “SB FR”. In this case, “SB EMEA” needs to be added as an allowed organzation for “SB FR”,

  2. User from “SB FR” must be prevented from accessing “SB EMEA”

Below is their setup in Marigold ID:

Below are the steps to add “SB EMEA” as an allowed organization for “SB FR”.

Note: The steps below can be completed only by a Marigold ID Super Admin.

1. On the Organization Listing Page, search “SB FR”.

2. When the organization is loaded, click “Options”, then “Add Allowed Organizations”.

3. When the modal below is opened, search “SB EMEA”, select it by checking the checkbox and click “OK”.

A confirmation modal will be displayed below, indicating the status of the action. Click ‘OK’ to close the modal.

  • The message below shows the allowed organization was added successfully without any error.

When the modal is closed, you can see “SB EMEA” listed on the Allowed Organizations as follows:

When the setup is completed, users from the allowed organization - SB_FMEA can be invited to and assigned BUs and application access to SB_FR.

Invite/ Add User Workflow from The Allowed Organization

Note: The steps below can be done by both Marigold ID Internal Admin (in Marigold ID Management) and Organization Admin (through Marigold ID Administration).

From the settings above, with SB FR adding SB EMEA as an allowed organization, users from SB EMEA can be assigned BU access to SB FR as standard users (system users) or as organization admins. The organization admin of the allowed organization, SB EMEA, can also add users to both SB FR and SB EMEA.

1. In Marigold ID Administration, go to the allowed organization - “SB EMEA”.

2. Click “Users” to open the User Listing Page, then click “Invite Users”.

3. Enter the user email address and click “Invite and Assign Application”.

4. Select Business Unit(s).

On this screen, BUs of both SB FR and SB EMEA will be shown.

5. Select the application(s) to assign to the user and click Done.

6. From the example in #5, on success, the user will be granted access to Engage+ for both SB FR and SB EMEA.

Allowed Organizations

Feature Overview

The Marigold ID system provides functionality for an organization to designate another organization as an "allowed organization," thereby granting users from the designated organization access to its account. Furthermore, users from the allowed organization can be assigned as administrators for their own organization.

Besides allowing organizations to delegate administrative responsibilities to users from the allowed organization, the feature also enables organizations with entities in different regions or locations to access each other's systems.

This feature can be configured only by a Marigold ID Super Admin.

Add Allowed Organization To a Client Organization


SB is an organization in Europe and it has the setup as follows:

  1. SB EMEA: This is their organization in Europe managing all businessnes in EU except France, Germany and Switzerland.

  2. SB FR: This is their organization managing businesses ONLY in France, Germany and Switzerland.

Use Case:

  1. Users from “SB EMEA” need access to “SB FR”. In this case, “SB EMEA” needs to be added as an allowed organzation for “SB FR”,

  2. User from “SB FR” must be prevented from accessing “SB EMEA”

Below is their setup in Marigold ID:

Below are the steps to add “SB EMEA” as an allowed organization for “SB FR”.

Note: The steps below can be completed only by a Marigold ID Super Admin.

1. On the Organization Listing Page, search “SB FR”.

2. When the organization is loaded, click “Options”, then “Add Allowed Organizations”.

3. When the modal below is opened, search “SB EMEA”, select it by checking the checkbox and click “OK”.

A confirmation modal will be displayed below, indicating the status of the action. Click ‘OK’ to close the modal.

  • The message below shows the allowed organization was added successfully without any error.

When the modal is closed, you can see “SB EMEA” listed on the Allowed Organizations as follows:

When the setup is completed, users from the allowed organization - SB_FMEA can be invited to and assigned BUs and application access to SB_FR.

Invite/ Add User Workflow from The Allowed Organization

Note: The steps below can be done by both Marigold ID Internal Admin (in Marigold ID Management) and Organization Admin (through Marigold ID Administration).

From the settings above, with SB FR adding SB EMEA as an allowed organization, users from SB EMEA can be assigned BU access to SB FR as standard users (system users) or as organization admins. The organization admin of the allowed organization, SB EMEA, can also add users to both SB FR and SB EMEA.

1. In Marigold ID Administration, go to the allowed organization - “SB EMEA”.

2. Click “Users” to open the User Listing Page, then click “Invite Users”.

3. Enter the user email address and click “Invite and Assign Application”.

4. Select Business Unit(s).

On this screen, BUs of both SB FR and SB EMEA will be shown.

5. Select the application(s) to assign to the user and click Done.

6. From the example in #5, on success, the user will be granted access to Engage+ for both SB FR and SB EMEA.


Business Unit Management

The Business Units tab shows all the business units of the current organization to the organization admin and the allocated business units to the business admins.

Role Permitted Actions
Organization Admin can view all the BUs belonging to the organization
Business Unit Admin (BU Admin) can view the BUs they administer

Activity Log View

The Activity tab lists the activities of all the organization users to the organization admin and the activities of the users belonging to the allocated business units to the business admins.



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