Email Campaign Post-Launch Options

Modify a Launched Campaign

After a Campaign as launched, you can still make changes to the Campaign, but your options vary depending on the Campaign type.

For Regular One-Off Campaigns, you can change the Campaign schedule and content; however, you can't change the Filter once the Campaign launches.

For Event-triggered and Date-triggered Campaigns, you can change any aspect of the Campaign, including the Filter.

Note: Changing the Campaign content post-launch will impact only messages that have not yet been deployed. Any messages that have already been created and sent can't be retrieved.

The platform also allows you to modify the destination of tracked links within the Campaign content, after the Campaign has been launched.

1. Modify the Campaign

The Pick Up Changes feature allows you to make modifications to a launched Campaign. These changes will then be applied to all un-sent messages.

Note: You must suspend the Campaign before you can run Pick Up Changes. The only exception to this rule is an Event-triggered Campaign that uses Advanced Event Trigger as the Trigger Type; in that one scenario, you don't need to first suspend the Campaign before running Pick Up Changes.

1. Navigate to the Campaign.

2. Make the desired changes to the Campaign.

3. Click the Status tab.

4. At the bottom of the screen, click Suspend Campaign.

5. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Suspend.

Note: If you attempt to suspend a Campaign while it's still in the message creation phase, the platform will complete message creation before suspending the Campaign.

6. Click Pick Up Changes.

7. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Pickup Changes.

8. When the Pickup Changes process is completed, a notification is displayed at the top of the screen. Click Resume Campaign.

9. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Resume.

1. Navigate to the Campaign.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. At the bottom of the screen, click Suspend Campaign.

4. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Suspend.

5. Click Edit Link URLs.

6. The Post-Launch: Edit Link URLs pop-up window is displayed, showing all of the links being tracked within this Campaign.

7. Place a check mark next to the URL that you want to modify. The URL text field becomes editable. 8. Enter the new URL.

9. Repeat the above steps as needed to modify additional URLs.

10. Click Save Link URLs.

11. At the bottom of the screen, click Resume Campaign.

12. A confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Resume.

3. Stop a Campaign

The platform provides several methods of preventing further message deployments from a launched Campaign. In all these different methods, the platform will continue to collect activity data (opens, clicks, etc.) from messages that were deployed, prior to stopping the Campaign.

Cancel:Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Cancel are removed, and the platform doesn’t retain any history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.”

Stop: Any messages currently in the queue at the moment you click Stop are recorded, and the platform will retain history of the fact that these messages were “queued but not sent.”

Suspend: Pause sending; the platform will not add new records to the processing queue while the Campaign is in a suspended state. Please note that you can't suspend a Campaign while it's in the message creation phase.

Unapprove Sending: Pause sending; the platform continues to queue any new triggered messages while the Campaign is in a suspended state.

1. Navigate to the Campaign.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. Select the method of stopping the Campaign:

  • Cancel: At the bottom of the screen click End Campaign; in the confirmation dialog box, click Cancel.

  • Stop: At the bottom of the screen click End Campaign; in the confirmation dialog box, click Stop.

  • Suspend: At the bottom of the screen, click Suspend Campaign.

  • Unapprove Sending: In the Review & Approve section, next to Sending, click Suspend.

4. Resume a Campaign

To resume a suspended Campaign:

1. Navigate to the Campaign.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. Select either:

  • If you suspended the Campaign, click Resume Campaign at the bottom of the screen.

  • If you "unapproved" the Sending step step, in the Review & Approve section, click Approve.

Note: You can't resume a Campaign if you used either the Cancel or Stop features

5. View EDP Campaign Status

For Campaigns that use the Engagement Data Platform (EDP) as the data source, the platform provides a Campaign Status progress tracker. This tracker provides a visual representation of the building and sending phases, and allows you to quickly see the Campaign's current state.

To view the status of a launched Campaign:

1. Navigate to the Campaign.

2. Click the Status tab.

3. The progress tracker is displayed within the Campaign Status section.

4. If the Campaign encountered an error, the relevant step in the progress tracker is highlighted in red, and all subsequent steps are disabled.

5. To stop a Campaign during the building or sending phases, click the Stop button to the right of the Campaign Status tracker. All subsequent steps are disabled

Note: Once a Campaign has been stopped in this manner, it can't be resumed.

6. For Date-triggered Campaigns, the Status tab displays a record count of the Campaign's previous execution, and a total record count for the Campaign's entire lifespan.