Learn to Create Date and Event-Triggered Campaigns, Including how to Schedule, Proof, and Update them after Launch.
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Introduction to Triggered Campaigns
In this video, you will learn about Triggered Campaigns.
Configure a Date Triggered Campaign
Engagement with customers is more powerful when it coincides with a date that is significant for them, for example, a birthday or an anniversary. Knowing how to use Engage+ to design an effective campaign around recurring date triggers is an essential marketer skill.
Configure an Event Triggered Campaign
Customers showing qualifying behaviors can often be moved towards a desired outcome with an event-triggered campaign. Being able to use Engage+ to design an effective event-triggered campaign should be an essential part of your marketing toolkit.
Schedule a Triggered Campaign
Learn how to schedule a Triggered Campaign.
Proof a Campaign
Learn how to proof a campaign.
Launch a Campaign
Learn how to launch a campaign.
Update a Launched Campaign
Learn how to update a Launched Campaign.