Understanding: User Roles & Capabilities in Detail

Role Permissions

This table represents the default abilities/access for each role type, footnotes have been added where there are special considerations. This table does not reflect the addition permissions given when an option capabilities is added.

If you need an overview of the Role and Capability system now in place on user accounts, check the following article: How to: Add a new user and set their user role

Area/Action Admin Publisher Creator Insights
NextGen (Micro) / Experiences  ✓ (1) ✓ (2) -
Form Section -
Entries - - -
User Content  ✓ - -
Winner Management - - -
Collections  ✓ (1) ✓ (2) -
Experience Library -
Account Settings - - -
Account Users - - -
Account Analytics
Account Library List Only List Only  -
Labels & Translations -



  1. Cannot delete or reset an experience
  2. Cannot publish, un-publish, approve, reset or delete an experience


  1. Cannot export content
  2. Cannot moderate or export content

Capability Permissions

This table represents the added abilities/access for each capability, footnotes have been added where there are special considerations. This table does not reflect the addition permissions given when an option capabilities is added.

Area/Action Export Personal Data View Personal Data Manage Account Library Moderate User Content Manage Winners
Insights  -  -
NextGen (Micro) / Experiences ✓ (1) ✓ (2) - ✓ (3)  ✓ (4)
Entries ✓ (1) ✓ (2) - - -
User Content - - - -
Winner Management ✓ (1) - - -
Collections - - - -
Experience Library - - - - -
Account Settings - - - - -
Account Users - - - - -
Account Analytics - - - - -
Account Library - - - -
Labels & Translations - - - - -


NextGen (Micro) / Experiences

  1. Can only view entries on experiences that support entries
  2. Can only view/export entries on experiences that support entries
  3. Allows the management of seeded content on experiences that support seeded content
  4. Allows access to winner management on experiences that support winner management


  1. Can access entries and perform experience exports
  2. Can access and manage entries

Winner Management

  1. Winners can be viewed and exported, but a winner cannot be chosen

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