Account Settings - Define Test Users
A test user is a user that can view and test Liveclicker content without impacting the credits of the account or the impressions and stats in the reports.
A maximum of 100 test users and 1000 impressions per day are allowed. Note that if more than 1000 test impressions occur in the day, these will not be blocked but merely deducted from the credits.
Note: A Subscriber ID is required to be able to create test users.
1. To create a new test user, go to My Account > Testing Seed List.
2. In the box Add Users to Testing Seed List, enter the Subscriber IDs of the user you want to add to the seed list, separated by commas, and click Add Users + .
3. The test users are added to the overview below, where each test user is identified by its Subscriber ID.
You can now use these test users to test your Liveclicker elements.