Requirements for Full-Service Liveclicker Support for LiveImage Campaigns

For clients who wish to engage Liveclicker to create a full service LiveImage campaign, you must provide the following to your Customer Success Manager or Liveclicker Support Team Member. Upon receipt of the below items, Liveclicker will review and provide the HTML embed code to be placed in the email template within 3 business days* provided all information and assets below are complete and delivered.

(*Turn around time may vary if the setup is complex e.g. more than 10 versions.)

Campaign Details

Planned Launch Date —The planned launch date for your email campaign as well as your desired testing date deadline you would like to receive the Liveclicker HTML embed code by.

Default image — The default image to display in your campaign if the subscriber doesn't meet the conditions of any targeting rules you specify. You will also need to specify the following:

Alternate versions —Provide Liveclicker any alternate images you would like to use, and targeting rules that should apply to alternate versions of content. For example you may have a desktop and mobile version. For all alternate image/animation versions, Liveclicker will need the alternate settings for each. (not required)

Dimensions — Provide the desired size dimensions for your image as you would like them to be shown inside your email template.

Clickthrough link — Provide your desired clickthrough link (if applicable)

Personalization (not required) — If you would like to overlay personalized text on top of your image/animation, please provide the following:

  • Custom ESP field: You must provide Liveclicker with the variable tag from your ESP for the field you would like to overlay onto your image/animation. For example if you want to overlay an opener's first name onto the image, you would need to provide a variable tag like: %%firstname%% or %%first_name%% (please deliver to Liveclicker whatever is used within your Email Service Provider)
  • Custom branded font in .tff. Some .otf font libraries may work but only .tff is guaranteed to work
  • X and Y position in pixels for where on your image/animation you would like personalized text positioned.
  • Font size
  • Font color
  • Text alignment and formatting options outlined in this article
  • Character Limit. Please provide Liveclicker with a maximum character count for your custom field so it does not break the design of your image. If custom field exceeds the Character Limit, Liveclicker will serve the Personalization Fallback Image.
    * If you are using additional static text (#7) with your custom field, you must keep in mind the amount of characters used in this additional text.

Personalization Fallback image — Please provide Liveclicker with an image you wish to serve if your custom field fails and Liveclicker cannot pull the text.

Note: When using animated GIFs, please keep animated GIF limitations in mind.