User Guide: Export Campaign Data - Salesforce
Liveclicker's CDX Integration allows you to automatically export your Liveclicker Data on a daily basis into your SalesForce Marketing Cloud account.
Liveclicker will use the SalesForce API to set up and manage a Liveclicker data extension within your SalesForce account. Liveclicker will pass all user-level impression data to that data extension once a day with the previous day's data.
If you would like to merge the data from the Liveclicker data extension into your own lists or data extensions, you will need to create queries against the Liveclicker managed data extension using the subscriber id field to merge/join data with existing data extensions.
Note: If you would like an integration that exports data to your SalesForce account more than once a day or would like your data integrated into a specific data extension within your account, custom scoping and development will be needed.
To integrate CDX with your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account, please reach out to your account manager to request and purchase the CDX package.
Liveclicker CDX Integration for SalesForce Setup Instructions on Salesforce side
Once you have paid for your CDX package, your account manager or a Liveclicker support representative will let you know that your Liveclicker account has been enabled for CDX for Salesforce. To set up your integration, CDX Salesforce requires that you have a Marketing Cloud user and an FTP account that can be used in the integration:
1. To find a user, click on your name in Marketing Cloud and select Administration.
2. Then click on the Account menu and select Users.
3. Identify an existing user to use for Liveclicker's access to the Salesforce API, or create a new one. This user must have the API User checkbox checked; under User Permissions the user must also have Grant the user access to the web services checked.
4. To find an FTP account go to the Account menu and select FTP Accounts. Identify an FTP account to use or create a new one and note the username/password for the account.
Set up the CDX Salesforce integration on Liveclicker side
Note: To set up your integration, CDX Salesforce requires that you have a Marketing Cloud user.
1. Log into your Liveclicker Account.
2. Click on your user name at the top to manage your account settings. Under the My Account tab, select the ESP Integrations tab.
3. Click on the Select ESP drop- down and select the Salesforce option.
4. Add the username, password and the subdomain for SFMC:
5. If it fails to accept your credentials, check them for correctness.
6. When accepted, click on the Select ESP drop-down again and select the Salesforce FTP option.
7. Enter the username/password for your FTP user and click the Add ESP button. If it fails to accept your credentials, check them for correctness.
8. Once you have completed the steps above, notify your account manager or Liveclicker Support, and the final steps will be taken to start the integration.
Note: You should receive a notice in 1-2 business days that your integration is complete. Then you should see a new data extension in Marketing Cloud called RTE Email Impressions which will store all your imported impression data. Every morning the previous day's data should be added. You will also see a Data Import named RTE Email Impression Import which is also managed by Liveclicker.
You will also see a Data Import named RTE Email Impression Import which is also managed by Liveclicker.
If you are merging this data with another list or data extension, you can query using the subscriber_id field of the RTE Email Impressions data extension to combine that data with your own subscriber lists.
Column definitions
Below are examples and definitions of all the columns passed via CDX for SalesForce Marketing Cloud.
- subscriber_id — This is an internally generated ID. If you used the ESP tags to pass your own user IDs via the Subscriber ID field, then this column will contain your user IDs.
- full_date — Example: 2017-11-28 0:00:19 the timezone is the account timezone.
- impression_id — There are 2 formats: For clients accepting cookies, this is a varchar(16). Otherwise combination of date, IP address and campaign ID.
- campaign_id — Example: 5375214. Campaign ID the impression belongs to.
- element_kind — Example: feed. Carries the name of the element type.
- element_id — Example: 1172036201. Element ID of the campaign delivered.
- version_id — Example: 1849482955. Version ID of the element delivered.
- rule_id — Identifies the ID of the targeting rule applied to this impression (if applicable).
- clip_version — For videoemail elements only, which version type was delivered: 'Inline video', 'iOS Video', 'Animated GIF', 'Static' and 'Not a videoemail element' are the possible values
- abtest_id — When the element delivered is A/B tested, unique identifier for the A/B test ID.
- dailyunique — Daily uniques (unique impressions over one day) for the selected content segment.
- clickthrough_date — 10/6/2014 6:00:30 AM. Date of the clickthrough (if applicable).
- orders — Order count generated for this content impression. This requires the tracking code to be deployed.
- revenue — Revenue amount generated for this content impression. Also requires the proper tracking code.
- user_selection_code — Example: 2. If the user has voted in a LivePoll, the poll_link_status value is 1 - and user_selection_code will indicate which answer id that has been selected. If the user clicked on a iOS optimized LiveSlides, the user_selection_code will indicate which slide id that has been selected.
- has_been_revealed — Applicable to livereveal element only, value is 1 if revealed by user and 0 if not.
- duration — Duration of open in seconds
- order_date — Date of the order.
- order_id — Identifies the order's ID.
- video_playthrough — When applicable (HTML5), number of seconds the user watched into the video
- poll_link_status — Example: 1. An integer (0 or 1) indicating if the user has voted in a LivePoll.
- emailclient — Example: "Gmail" email client value
- browser — Example: "Safari" browser of email client
- os — Example: "iOS+" Operating System value.
- impression_device — Example: "Desktop (All)". A string describing the opener's device. Desktop, table, mobile.
- city — Example: "Atlanta" city name value.
- county — Example: "United States"
- region — Example: "Georgia" region of the world.
- country — Example: "United States"
- latitude_longitude — Example: 51.5857/6.0201. When available, latitude and longitude of the impression.
- language — Example: French. Language preference of the opener.
- opener_timezone — Example: "-7.0" offset from GMT
- esp_dim1...esp_dim20 — ESP tags passed via the embed code.
- esp_destinationcity — Preset custom destination city used for personalized LiveForecast elements.
- esp_arrivaldate — Preset custom arrival date used for personalized LiveForecast elements.
- esp_timerexpirationdate— Preset custom timer expiration used for personalized LiveTimer elements.
- esp_maplocation — Preset custom map location used for personalized LiveMap elements.
- esp_trackingnumber — Tracking number used for LiveTracker elements.
- esp_shippingprovider — Shipping provider used for LiveTracker elements.
- mobile_carrier — When available, name of the mobile carrier for mobile openers