Export Campaign Data

Liveclicker's Campaign data export (CDX) allows you to automatically export your campaign data into an FTP folder on a daily basis. Liveclicker will pass all user-level impression data once per day containing the previous day's data. To download an example of this report click here. If you are interested in a CDX integration, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Key Type Max. Character Length
sub_id text 2,048
full_date date 19
campaign_id integer 10
campaign_name text


element_type text 16
element_name text 128
version_name text 128
question_value text 256
user_selection_code text variable
has_been_revealed integer 5
clip_version_friendly text 64
click integer variable
clickthroughurl URL variable
clickthrough_date date


geo_predicted integer 32
engagement text 32
duration integer variable
impression_device text 16
emailclient text 64
mobile_carrier text 16
os text 64
browser text 64
city text 64
region text 128
county text 32
zip_code integer 5
country text 64
language text 16
opener_timezone integer 10
order_id integer variable
orders integer variable
revenue integer variable
order_date date variable
esp_dim1...esp_dim19 text 8192
esp_destinationcity text 128
esp_arrivaldate date 64
esp_timerexpirationdate date 64
esp_maplocation text 128
exp_trackingnumber text 512
esp_shippingprovider text 64
rule_id text 10


Variable Fields

Some fields have a variable character length, please see examples below and our advice for how best to approach this when setting a maximum character length for these fields:

Aggregator fields e.g. duration where we are performing a calculation such as sum, count or average to get the result. Because of this the end result could be a number of any length required. Typically, these fields do not exceed 8 characters.

In other cases, such as the clickthroughurl, Liveclicker is unable to provide a maximum character length as the length of this field is determined by the length of the clickthrough url used in Liveclicker campaigns so this cannot be preempted in advance.

Key Description Example

The subscriber ID value for the impression as passed by your account's Subscriber ID field

full_date 02/12/2019 11:44:36
campaign_id Campaign ID the impression belongs to 1677583200
campaign_name Friendly name of campaign Weather Promotion
element_type Name of the element type for the impression feed
element_name Friendly name of the element Desktop version
version_name Friendly name of the version Sunny version
question_value Name provided of the poll question in the campaign wizard What's your favorite color?
user_selection_code If the user has voted in a LivePoll or has clicked a slide from an iOS optimized slide show, the poll_link_status value is 1 - and user_selection_code will indicate the answer or slide that has been selected. If a friendly name is given for the poll answer or slide, that will be shown instead of the poll answer number or slide number. answer #2, slide #2
has_been_revealed Applicable to LiveReveal element only, value is 1 if revealed by the user and 0 if not. 1
clip_version_friendly For LiveVideo elements only, which version type was delivered: Inline video, iOS Video, Animated GIF, Static are the possible values iOS Video
clicks Shows if there was a clickthrough for the impression, will always be 1 or 0 1
clickthroughurl Clickthrough URL for an impression when a clickthrough has happened. (URL is encoded for security and data handling) http%3A%2F%2Fwww.liveclicker.com
clickthrough_date Date of the clickthrough (if applicable) for the impression 10/6/2014 6:00:30 AM
geo_predicted Applicable if your account is set up to use Predictive Geo-Targeting. Value is 1 if the location was predicted and 0 if not. 1
engagement Classifies duration of open for the impression into 3 categories: Read: Duration of open is 8 or more seconds Skimmed: Duration of open is 2 or more seconds, but less than 8 seconds Deleted without reading: Duration of open is less than 2 seconds Read
duration When available, duration of open in seconds for the impression 10
impression_device When available, duration of open in seconds for the impression Desktop (all)
emailclient Email client of the impression Gmail
mobile_carrier When available, name of the mobile carrier for mobile openers (Spring, ATT, Verizon, TMobile, or empty) Verizon
os Operating System value of the impression Windows 7
browser Browser of the impression. Chrome (All)
city City name value of the impression San Diego
region Operating System value of the impression England
county County of the impression King
zip_code US zip code of the impression 92107
country Country of the impression France
language When available, language preference of the opener for the impression French
opener_timezone Timezone offset from GMT of the impression -7.0
order_id Identifies the order's ID order123
orders Order count generated for this content impression. This requires the tracking code to be deployed 1
revenue Revenue amount generated for this content impression. Also requires the proper tracking code $19.99
order_date Date of the order 2022-06-10
esp_dim1...esp_dim19 Custom campaign ESP tags passed via the embed code John
esp_destinationcity Preset custom destination city location fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveForecast elements Los Angeles, California
esp_arrivaldate Preset custom arrival date fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveForecast elements 12/25/20
esp_timerexpirationdate Preset custom timer expiration fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveTimer elements 2022-07-10 18:00:00
esp_maplocation Preset custom map location fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveMap elements 10001
esp_trackingnumber Tracking number fed through an ESP field used for LiveTracker elements 1Z9999999999999999
esp_shippingprovider Shipping provider fed through an ESP field used for LiveTracker elements UPS
rule_id Identifies the ID of the targeting rule applied to this impression (if applicable). If there is a friendly name given to the ruleset, it will show in this column instead. ruleset #1