Insights - Data Card Charts


Data is organized in Rows and Columns where by default 7 metrics are displayed for the selected breakdown level. A table chart can be exported as CSV. (Example, display all metrics per campaign)

From this table, you can

  • Scroll through the different columns if not all columns are visible.
  • Increase or reduce the number of rows displayed by clicking the + or - signs.
  • Scroll through the pages when more rows are available than currently displayed.
  • Sort columns ascending or descending.
  • Download the data in CSV Click the button above the table to generate a CSV file with all the data that falls into the selected date range and filters. This CSV file is automatically downloaded to the designated download folder on your computer as well as in the Exports tab of the Insights dahsboard.


To configure this chart, the following settings are defined:

  • Breakdown- Select the breakdown level. All metrics are displayed for each value available of the selected breakdown level.
  • Metrics - The Metrics field displays the number of metrics currently selected for the chart. Click the drop-down to add additional metrics when needed.



Data is organized in segments of a pie, each segment representing the size of each value for the selected breakdown level. (Example: Total number of impressions per device type)



Shows a "part-to-whole" relationship, where all pieces together represent 100%. Its use is recommended when you need to display a small number of categories (2-5).

The configuration looks as follows:

  • Breakdown — Select the breakdown level for this chart. Each available value of the selected breakdown level is represented by a segment in the donut.
  • Metric — Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down. The size of the segment represents the size of the metric.
  • Unit — You can choose between displaying metrics as totals, percentage or a combination of both.



The selected metric is represented as a series of data points over the different breakdown levels, connected by straight lines.

The configuration panel is as following:

  • Breakdown — You can choose from Hour of Day, Day of week or Timeline. The selected breakdown level is represented by the different dots on the chart.
  • Metric — Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down. The position of the dot reflects the size of the metric.



Presents categorical data with rectangular horizontal bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent, split over the selected breakdown level.

The following configuration is available:

  • Breakdown — Select the breakdown level for this chart. Each available value of the selected breakdown level is displayed as a horizontal bar.
  • Metric — Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down. The length of the horizontal bar reflects the size of the metric.



Shows each category represented by a rectangle, with the height of the rectangle being proportional to the values being represented.

The following configuration is available

  • Breakdown — Select the breakdown level for this chart. The different available values of the breakdown level are displayed as vertical bars.
  • Metric — Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down. The height of the vertical bar reflects the size of the metric.



Displays the evolution of a specific metric on a timeline. Data can be split per day of the week, per hour of the day or as a continuous timeline.

The configuration looks as follows:

  • Breakdown — You can choose from Hour of Day, Day of week or Timeline. The selected breakdown level is represented by rectangular bars, in chronological order
  • Metric — Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down. The size of the metrics is reflected in the color intensity of the rectangular bar.



Displays a single number for the selected metric. (example: the number of impressions)

The configuration panel is as follows:

Select one of the available metrics from the drop-down.