LiveImage - Style Your Text

When adding text to your LiveImage, there are multiple ways to style this text and place it at the right position of your image.

Text Alignment Options

X and Y positioning — Specify the exact location on the image

Align Text — Align text to the left, center, or right.

Orient Text — Orient text horizontally, rotate 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise, rotate at a custom angle, or stack vertically.

Curve Text — Curve text from the center point with a custom set angle in degrees.

Note: There are limitations with how you can combine the Curve Text control with the Orient Text control. The Orient Text control must be set to horizontal if you want to edit the Curve Text to anything other than 0 degrees.

Letter Spacing — Increase or decrease the space in pixels between letters. Negative entries are supported.


Position text with drag & drop

In the preview, when hovering the overlay text box, an icon becomes visible, to drag & drop the text. Oncer you have placed the text somewhere on the image, the X and Y coordinates will automatically be updated.


Text Format Options

Transform Text — Transform the text returned by the chosen custom field into uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize.

Choose a Font, font size Font color — Display the text in the font of your choice. If the font of your choice is not in the list, click the Upload button to upload new fonts in OTF or TTF format.

Character limit — Specify a fixed character limit for the personalized text. If the text returned by the selected custom field is over the character limit, the Personalization Fallback image will be loaded.
The character limit applies to just the text returned by the chosen custom field being overlaid onto the image and NOT the entire personalization text.
For example, let's say you have room for 30 characters of text, and you have 18 characters of personalization text (i.e. your personalization text is "Hello my name is %%tag%%"), the character limit would need to be 12.