LiveVideo - Reporting

The LiveVideo report

LiveVideo reporting is available in Insights, when applying the breakdown by video clip type.

The following details are available:

  • Animated GIF - Gmail/Yahoo/AOL — The animated GIF is served to email clients that support GIFs but not full-sized videos.
  • Inline video — Refers to email clients that support video and can play it inside the email.
  • Unknown — This happens when Liveclicker cannot determine which clip type was served to a recipient. This only happens in one use case: when Liveclicker can't associate a clickthrough on a campaign with an individual impression.
  • Static — The static image is served in email clients that do not support animated GIFs or videos.
  • Fullscreen video 1-click — Refers to older versions of iOS where the video is played in full-screen after one click.

Note:If you create a report with a date range that include dates before and after April 9, 2019, you may see multiple lines of data for Animated GIF due to a report labeling change. All data is correct.
LiveVideo plays do not increase Youtube play count.


Understanding "Unknown Video Clip Type"

When looking at the Insights chart for a video campaign, a good way to see how many recipients were served full embedded video vs animated GIFs vs static images is to select the breakdown by video clip type option.

A small percentage of your impressions may be labeled as Unknown Video Clip Type. This occurs when Liveclicker is unable to determine which clip type was served to a recipient. It typically happens when a clickthrough from a campaign cannot be linked to a specific impression. This can occur in the following situations:

  • When a recipient has images turned off, and they click on a Liveclicker element.

  • When an account isn't using a subscriber ID and an email is opened in Gmail.

In these cases, Liveclickerm generates a pseudo-impression that isn't linked to a specific clip type. Additionally, you'll notice that the Click-to-Open Rate for these impressions is always 100%, as all "Unknown Clip Type" impressions are based on clickthroughs.