Content Rendering Languages

To add language support in a content renderer you have to supply a language attribute on theOptiWebRequestobject. The content render must be adapted to add language support.

  1. Define a string to hold language

    StringstrLang =null;

  2. Get Language from URL

    if(""+ Request.QueryString["LANG"] !="")
        strLang =""+ Request.QueryString["LANG"];

  3. Check session if language is present

    elseif(""+ Session["lang"] !="")
         strLang =""+ Session["lang"];

  4. Set the default language

       strLang ="EN";

  5. Add language to session and set language on the object OptiWebRequest

    Session["lang"] = strLang;        
    Request.Attributes["REQUEST.LANGUAGE"] = strLang;


  6. Set the language in the Editor section on mails, pages and sections.You can choose what language a page, mail or section is, by just clicking on the properties and selecting thelanguage.

    The result of the content renderer page with language handling looks like following:

    <%@PageTitle="Home Page"Language="C#"AutoEventWireup="true"%>
                            StringincHead, incBody, incBodyAttr;
            if(""+ Request.QueryString["ID"] !="")
                OptiWebRequestiRequest =newOptiWebRequest(this);
                iRequest.CollectDebugInfo =false;
                iRequest.AutoRedirect =false;
                iRequest.MessagentUrl ="";
                    iRequest.Attributes[var] = Request.QueryString[var];
                    iRequest.Attributes[var] = Request.Form[var];
                // LANGUAGE
                StringstrLang =null;
                if(""+ Request.QueryString["LANG"] !="")
                    strLang =""+ Request.QueryString["LANG"];
                elseif(""+ Session["lang"] !="")
                    strLang =""+ Session["lang"];
                    strLang ="EN";
                Session["lang"] = strLang;
                iRequest.Attributes["REQUEST.LANGUAGE"] = strLang;

                OptiWebResultm_WebResult = iRequest.Send();
                incHead = m_WebResult.HtmlHead;
                if(m_WebResult.ResultType ==OptiWebResult.OptiWebResultType.Redirect)
    incBody =
    "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n\tdocument.location = \""+ m_WebResult.Url +"\";\n</scr"+"ipt>";
                  incBody = m_WebResult.HtmlBody;
                      incBodyAttr =" "+ m_WebResult.HtmlBodyAttr;
                incHead ="";
                incBody ="Error - No ID provided";
                incBodyAttr ="";
    DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""">
         <!-- put header/navigation here -->
    <!-- put footer/navigation here -->

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