French speaking Belgians

The language and origin of the contact is stored in the main audience list. Therefor the Attribute tab is used to create the constraint. Check out the video.

Video Duration: 1:18 min
Includes: create constraint on fields with option list - Use of Attribute tab - Use of AND operator
Language: English

If you have a limited amount of possible values for a field, it is a good idea to use a list of possible options to choose from for the field. If an option list is linked to the field, you can easily select the values to test from a check box list. If no option list is used, you can click 'Calculate values' to get all the different values from the field that are currently stored in the database. Beware that this can take some time, depending on how many records and how many different values there are in the list. Don't select NAME or MAIL, select fields that have few unique values (like gender, language, country.

In this example, both the language and the country are option lists. The contact has to answer both criteria therefore the AND operator is used.


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