Filter Designer Examples: Profile Selections

Profile selections are usually based on profile attributes stored in the main audience list or in a profile extension (1 to 1 linked list). Both are selected from the Attribute tab in the filter Designer as long as you can use these fields as such, without the need of conversion or applying functions. (you will find in this section an example of the use of the profile attribute on which functions are applied)


Example Demonstrates
French speaking Belgian contacts   - Use of fields with option lists associated to them
Contacts created less than a week ago   - Use of date fields with sliding point in time
Contacts with gmail addresses   - Use of wildcards in text fields
Contacts that have their birthday today - Use of function to extract Date from Datetime field
- Use of Constraint tab
Age under 18   - Use of function to extract
Contacts with loyalty card   - Use data in 1:1 profile extension


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